Military ethics/African Americans/women
Select one group, either minorities—such as African Americans, Latinos—OR women.= My topic is women.
Create a research topic/question that will allow you to compare and contrast the treatment, prejudices faced, and challenges encountered in the organizations experienced by your group, both in the military and in the STEM fields.
For example:
My group: Select from the list above- Women
Research topic/question: “(The group you wish to consider) that enter the army or try to enter the STEM fields often confront prejudices and stereotyping that limits their ability to succeed. This forces them to leave the army and the STEM fields at an unacceptable rate.”
Create a short (2+ pages) outline for this topic/research question detailing how you will examine these two institutions’ approach your group. Be objective; use facts and data from your research. Cover one and then the other, then compare and contrast the facts you have located. How are the two institutions’ approaches to or treatment of your group alike, and how are they dissimilar?
Show the unequal treatment of your group by both institutions. Ex.: (Your chosen group makes up 50% of the U.S.. population, but only 10% of those with terminal STEM degrees and only 20% of officers in the army. (Johnson, 2013))
Discuss how the covert or overt policies (that limit the participation of women and minorities) can ultimately be detrimental to the whole country.
List two academic resources you will be using, one for each perspective. Give complete APA style references for each.
Need to be a two page outline. My topic is women.