Case Background
In this milestone, you will prepare a Request for System Services Form, which is the trigger for the Preliminary Investigation Phase. Also, you will use fact-finding techniques to extract and analyze information from the EBS Case Study Introduction to determine project scope, level of management commitment, and project feasibility for the Employee Benefits System (EBS). With these facts you will have the necessary information to complete the Problem Statement Matrix. Additional information on the Case may be found in Doc Sharing as well as via a link on the Week 2 iLab.
After completing this milestone, you should be able to:
• Complete a Request for System Services form, which triggers the preliminary investigation phase.
• Analyze the case study introduction and extract pertinent facts, which can be used to assess project feasibility.
• Complete a Problem Statement Matrix documenting the problems, opportunities, or directives of the project.
Before starting this milestone, the following topics should be covered:
• The scope definition phase — Chapters 3 and 5
• Project management (optional) — Chapter 4
Information Systems (IS) headquartered in Orlando, Florida, employs approximately 4,100 employees throughout the United States. IS provides leading edge technologies, distributed computing, mainframe, micro, communication, and consulting services to its parent company Corporation, headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, as well as to external customers including the U.S. government. In addition, IS is responsible for the development and support of all the internal systems that support their day-to-day business processes and operations.
In January 2003 a strategic plan to modernize the company’s resources was presented to executive management. This document included a plan to reengineer the current systems to use state-of-the-art technology and provide a showcase of systems that eventually could be delivered across the whole corporation.
The first phase is the development of the Employee Benefits System (EBS), a system that will house the repository containing the employee master data, which is the foundation for providing a common set of automated, integrated, platform-independent system solutions for Human Resources.
Your assignment is to analyze and design the Employee Benefits System. Refer to the EBS Introduction document for the information necessary to complete the following activities.
To complete the Request for System Services Form, use information from the
case background. Make assumptions where necessary.
To complete the Problem Statement Matrix Form, use the case background for the basis of your information. Make assumptions where necessary. Which problems do you believe have the highest visibility, and how should they be ranked? Try to determine the annual benefits. State assumptions and be prepared to justify your answers! Finally, what would be your proposed solution based on the facts you know now?
Deliverable format and software to be used are according to your instructor’s specifications. Deliverables should be neatly packaged in a binder, separated with a tab divider labeled Milestone 1 .
References and Templates
• EBS Case Introduction (link found on Week 2 iLab page)
• Request for System Services Template (link found on Week 2 iLab page)
• Problem Statement Matrix Template (link found on Week 2 iLab page)
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