Microsoft Word – Economics 102 Problem Set 2 Su2016

Human trafficking in Australia (protection)
September 21, 2020
Unit 4 Assignment
September 21, 2020

Microsoft Word – Economics 102 Problem Set 2 Su2016

Microsoft Word – Economics 102 Problem Set 2 Su2016

Use the data set Temperatures and Heart Rates.xlsx for the questions below.

  1. (1) Use GRETL to estimate and report the results of an ordinary least squares regression, where body temperatures are the dependent variable and heart rates are the explanatory variable. Include all observations (n=130). Also, include an intercept (constant) in your model.
  2. (2) Create and report a scatter diagram with Temps on the vertical (Y) axis and Heartrate on the horizontal (X) axis. Include the OLS regression line on your diagram.
  3. (1) Suppose someone has a heart rate of 70 beats per minute, what is their predicted body temperature based on your regression results from Part A?
  4. (2) What is the 95-percent confidence interval for the coefficient on the heart rate? Can you reject the null hypothesis that = 0.04 at the five-percent level of significance? Briefly explain.


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