MGT 421 : Team Process Paper

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July 22, 2020

MGT 421 : Team Process Paper

In this paper you will use the concepts you have learned in Whetten and Cameron and in other assigned readings to describe and analyze your teams processes and outcomes.Below are aspects of your team process that you are to discuss. Each team is different, of course. Some features may be more important than others to your team.This is a chance for you to reflect on your performance as well. Which leadership qualities di you wish to develop? When there was a disagreement or a lack of communication, were you able to present your position to the other members, resolve issues in the group?You will need to describe how you achieved consensus on the topic; how you determined the tasks and responsibilities; assess the strengths and weaknesses of the team and the reasons behind them; analyze your own behavior with the team, and aspects you would improve about yourself.
You should suggest changes that would improve performance if the team were to continue for another semester, and describe the impact this experience has had on you as a leader and team member.
You should reflect on the presentation topic (my group topic is about the leadership qualities of the Whole Foods Market) and the meaning you derive from this example of leadership to your own life.
In order to complete this paper, you might wish to record in your journal the events and decisions that occur in relation to your project, the interactions between team members, and interactions with others. You should record hopes, worries and plans so you will remember them later. You may wish to interview team members to get their views of what occurred.
This is the team process paper for the course: Management Practices: Leadership and Teams
The book we use in the course: Whetten, D.A.& Cameron , K.S.(2005)Developing Management Skills.(6th or 7th Ed), Pearson (
Please use the citation from this book. And putting down the page numbers.
With the group of four members, we are working on the team presentation about whole foods market. We are using the google docs to make the first outline. We got the feedback from the professor, its not good. So we decided to have a group meeting, then we make a new outline. Im the only person from china. Im not a good speaker, but I always listen other group members speaking. At last, we make division. I do the background part. There are three leadership qualities. Justin Liu does Leading by positive change, Jay does the Motivating Others, and Emily Leung does the Leading by Investment. I also need to the conclusion.This is our outline draft.I. Introduction
A. Team Members
1. Emily Leung
2. Jay Gandhi
3. Justin Liu
4. Im the forth group member , and Im international student . my major is Management.
B. Why we choose this topic
1. Whole Foods is a socially responsible company, companies should
follow in their footsteps.
2. John Mackey is a Great leader, with great leadership follows a great
C. Leadership Qualities
1. Leading By Positive Change
2. Motivating Others
3. Leading By Imagination
II. Background
A. 1978 Started as Saferway with his girlfriend
1. 45,000 dollars donated from friends and family
2. Faced Eviction
a. Lived in the store
B. Merger of Saferway and Clarksville Natural Grocery
1. September 20, 1980 First
Whole Foods
2. First store had 12,500 square feet, and staff of 19
C. 1984 Start of expansion out of Austin
1. July of 2012, there are approximately 331 stores nationwide
III. Leading by positive change: There are many ways to lead by positive change
(such as), but we would like to focus on how Whole Foods does it
A. Environmental responsibility
1.Physical Structure
a. it has solar panels on top of all their buildings to make use of
the renewable energy resources.
2. Golden RuleThey
follow the golden rule of the three Rs
i. Banning plastic grocery bags. Composting, which has
reduced our landfill waste by up to 75% in some regions.
Supporting carpooling and public transportation for team
b. Reuse
i.We strongly encourage using reusable grocery bags by
providing affordable bags and by paying at least a
refund. We are implementing the use of
reusable and compostable plates and bowls in our
dining areas.
c. Recycle
i. Replacing disposable batteries with rechargeable ones.
Holding company and community recycling drives for
electronics. Using recycled paper with a high percentage
of postconsumer
waste whenever possible.
IV. Motivating others: Most companies understand that people are the most
important asset of their company. Whole Foods recognizes that not only is it
important to motivate employees, but also their customers.
A. Employees
1. Compensation
2. Open communication along the company
3. Appreciation for colleagues
B. Customers
1. Educating customers on their eating habits
healthy recipes on their facebook
2. Sales promotions
V. Leading by Investment:
A. Social Responsibility
1. How they treat Animals
a. animals are only fed organic food
2. Educating farmers
3. Organizations
a. Whole Planet Foundation with the poor in developing communities
and countries that supplies their store with their
b. Whole Kids Foundation
i.supports school and inspiring families to improve
childrens nutrition and wellness.
VI. Conclusion
A. How whole foods demonstrate responsibility
B. Questions and Answers