Study the effect of chemistry, including combination of elements and their ranges, on the formation of porosity, shrinkage, cracks and creep resistance in Nickel base alloys .
the element ( Titanium ‘Ti’ , Chromium ‘Cr’ , Ruthenium ‘Ru’ ) choose :
• Discuss the dependence of chemical compositions, either qualitatively or quantitatively, on the formation of defects such as porosity, shrinkage and cracks and creep properties for Ni based alloys. Discuss the sensitivity of proportion of various alloying elements on defects and mechanical properties.
• Your write up must demonstrate clarity of concepts related to phase diagrams, eutectic solidification, lever rule, segregation, partition coefficients, bi-films, eutectic phase formation Nickel base alloys including any additional explanations relevant to the alloy.
• No need for general introduction and conclusion .
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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions