Mergers are often cited as agents of incredible value destruction. Discuss the role that lawyers can play in minimizing this sort of debacle from happ

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August 9, 2020

Mergers are often cited as agents of incredible value destruction. Discuss the role that lawyers can play in minimizing this sort of debacle from happ

Mergers are often cited as agents of incredible value destruction. Discuss the role that lawyers can play in minimizing this sort of debacle from happening.
Paper detailsPaper format OSCOLA( ) The format of the essay must be according to the example, that d be downloaded. Text (including quotations) must be in Times New Roman 12 point font. Line spacing must be at least one-andahalf lines, except that indented quotations may have single line spacing. Margins of at least 2 cm must be used at the top and bottom of the page, and 2.5 cm on the right and left sides of the page. Footnotes or endnotes must be included within the specified page allowance, and must be no smaller than 10 point font. Each note must begin on a new line. Pages should be numbered. Answer should have a thoughtful structure, a clear message displaying personal reflection informed by wider reading of articles and/or other commentaries and a good grasp of detail (as evidenced by the choice of relevant examples which are well integrated into the answers structure). Comprehensive and accurate knowledge of the relevant legal principles Clear argument and expression The integration and synthesis of a wide range of materials Evidence of wider reading Insight into the theoretical issues Critical evaluation of the issues and arguments