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Mentor Feedback

Mentor Feedback
Order Description
Mentor is ART Powers. I was NOT allowed to teach the lesson.
Will attach the other assignment you did that this builds off of.

Present the lesson you created in Topic 6 to at least one mentor teacher at a Title I school for constructive feedback. You may work with one of the teachers you have observed. Explain all aspects of the lesson to your mentor keeping track of the feedback given.

If permitted, teach either this lesson or a lesson provided to you to a class of ELLs.

Write a 200-300-word reflection on your experience and the feedback you received on this lesson.

SIOP Lesson Plan Using SEI Strategies
Michael Emerson
Grand Canyon University: ESL 433

STANDARDS: This SIOP lesson plan is based on Washington State ELA standards for Grade 3 level students. The following standards will be adhered to in this lesson plan:
– Students are supposed to ask and answer questions in class with specific reference to the lesson readings (OSPI, n.d).
– Students need to describe characters and scenes in the text, while determining the message passed (OSPI, n.d).
– Students should be able to define words and phrases in the context of the readings (OSPI, n.d).
– Students need to demonstrate understanding of proper phonetics and fluency during speeches (OSPI, n.d).
– Students need demonstrate an understanding of language mechanics in written form, such as proper spellings and punctuations (OSPI, n.d).
THEME: Environmental Conservation
LESSON TOPIC: Reading, pronouncing and defining words.
Language Objectives:
– Grammar. Students should be able to construct sentences using conditional tenses while describing the environment in their home regions and around the school.
– Converse. Students should be able to converse fluently with their friends regarding the environment.
– Reading: students should be able to fluently read passages in the story books used in class.
– Vocabulary. Students should explicit high proficiency in describing pictures and other scenarios using the relevant vocabulary.
– Writing. Students should be able to write summaries of the content learned in class as well as the lessons learned after the activities.
Content Objectives:
– Listening comprehension. Students should be able to answer the questions asked by the instructor with specific reference to the stories told, or the audio and videos played in the class (CCSSI, 2015).
– Oral expression. Students should be able to describe the features and characters in the readings and the pictures used for demonstration in class (CCSSI, 2015).
– Written expression. Students should be able to properly write and spell the vocabulary relating to the theme of the class, using the verbs to distinguish literal from the non-literal content (CCSSI, 2015).
– Reading comprehension. Students should be able to describe events in the reading books with specific reference to chapters, scenes, pages, and book titles to exhibit excellent understanding of language and content (CCSSI, 2015).
The key learning strategies used in the lessons are those adapted by the SEI. The strategies selected conform to the best practices for an English Language Learners’ class with a majority Spanish students, Hungarian, Romanian, and Vietnamese minorities. Generally, the students have basic and intermediate level skills despite having different reading, writing, speaking, and listening labels. Some students are however at emergent level, while some are proficient in the different learning labels. The strategies to be used in teaching, therefore, include:
The use of guided reading: This strategy involves the use of higher-order questioning, problem solving, and vocabulary building in the class (Pascopella, 2011). Guided reading will involve the teacher supporting students with intermediate, basic and emergent level skills.
Classroom support: This strategy involves specific concentration on a certain label or skill in the classroom (Echevarria et. al, 2012). The teacher will use the strategy to teach students on the writing label, which they evidently have a weakness as most of them have basic skills only. This strategy will, however, involve high levels of collaboration between the teacher and other ELL staff members to ensure a positive outcome.
Pairing students: This strategy involves pairing and grouping students with basic or emergent skills, with those with the proficient skills. This strategy will be achieved through undertaking classroom activities that motivate student interaction. Students learn languages better and faster through interaction with their peers.
Building on the student’s prior knowledge: This strategy will involve connection of the lesson content, with ideas and knowledge that the students have (Echevarria at. al, 2012). The strategy will involve connection of the theme, with the lifestyle and culture of the students so that they can relate better.
KEY VOCABULARY: Trees, water, air, dust, surface, earth, world, rubbish, dispose, bins, fire, wood, cut, prevent, collect, save, responsible, oxygen, sewage, taps, plastic, plant, sun, smoke, energy, pollution.
MATERIALS: Picture story books, English dictionaries, Computers, Speakers, Whiteboard, Markers, Pencils, Papers, Projectors, Flash cards, Pictures
MOTIVATION: (Building Background)
The teacher links to the student’s cultural background
Ask the students what they understand by the concepts of conservation, and environment, independently.
What is the environment?
What is conservation?
How and where do people discard trash in Venezuela/ Hungary/ Spain/ Romania?

The teacher links to the student’s previous lessons
Ask the students why people should conserve the environment
The teacher should ask the students why they think people do not take care of the environment
PRESENTATION: (Language and content objectives, Comprehensible input, Strategies, Interaction, Feedback)
The strategies to be used include modelling and guided practice.
Comprehensible input
The speech used in class should be comprehensible for the students’ proficiency level. In this case, the language used should be comprehensible for students in the third grade.
The SEI advocates for teacher support in the lessons. Academic tasks will, therefore, be clearly explained to the students to improve the level of comprehension.
The techniques used will be used to make the content clear for students in all the levels, thst is, emergent, basic, intermediate, and proficient.
Due to the small number of students, interaction will focus on partners.
Description of cooperative learning structures: Each pair will be given specific topics to prepare presentations. The students will then undertake the presentations either through PowerPoint slides or videos. After the presentations, the classmates will have a chance to ask questions regarding the topic in order to receive clarifications. This procedure will complete the learning process.
Reference to the students’ culture: Each pair will have to give examples of the topics with regard to their respective culture. With this reference, the presentation will have to obtain at least half of the vocabulary in the lesson, the use of verbs, simple descriptive adjectives, and personal pronouns to explain their topics.
The teacher will evaluate the fluency of the presentations, and the level which the students elaborate understanding of the language, then give feedback on the possible areas of improvement.
PRACTICE APPLICATION: (Meaningful activities, Interaction, Strategies, Practice and application, Feedback)
The activities undertaken during the lessons will enable students to have hands-on experience, through the use of hands-on strategy, while linking the activities to content objectives.
The activities to be included in the lessons include:
– Field excursions to identify various elements that make up the environment.
– Undertaking activities that conserve the environment.
– Identify various pollutants in the environment.
REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT: (Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)
Review and assessment will focus on all learning labels. Review will be both on individual and group basis so as to assess the level of individual progress by the students.
Review of the key terms.
The teacher will review if the students have used the key terms appropriately in the writings.
Review of the concept.
Students will be partnered again, then discuss the key concepts of the lesson, writing down all the lessons learned. This will be used to assess the extent in which the students have grasped the content.

The teacher will provide students with observation activities that they will be supposed to undertake for 8 days. These activities will enable a better understanding of language in the environmental context.

CCSSI. (2015). English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature » Grade 3. Retrieved from,
Echevarria, J.J., MaryEllen, V. & Deborah, J.S. (2012). Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model [4th Edition]. Pearson.
Pascopella, A. (2011). Successful Strategies for English Language Learners. Retrieved from,
OSPI (n.d). K-12 English Language Arts Learning Standards. Retrieved from,