Mega-Sporting Events Impacts on Society.

Construction Law
June 15, 2020
Outline a plan to develop Sterling Bay
June 15, 2020

Mega-Sporting Events Impacts on Society.

Topic: Mega-Sporting Events Impacts on Society.

Order Description
Assessment (Mega-Sporting Events Impacts on Society)

Assessment 1: Individual Substantive Paper (70%).
Learning outcomes 1,2,3,4

1. Prepare a comprehensively refereed paper on of approximately 3000 Critical Assessment and Synthesis of significant reading should be evident, well honed research skills should be identifiable, and a clearly enunciated argument made. Knowledge of best relevant industry practice and academic research should be included.

2. A minimum of fifteen accredited academic sources should be referenced; at least eight of these should be journal articles.
3. The paper should include: Title, introduction (interest, rationale, context, range and objectives), development (key points, logical sequence and reference), conclusion (recap key points, link forward), list of references.

4. The Harvard Referencing System.

5. The paper will be marked according to the following scheme:
Organisation/Layout/Referencing 15%, Depth of Research 30%, Synthesis 25%,
Structure of Argument 15%, Overall 15%.