Canadian Criminal Justice System
June 3, 2020
Benefits of Technology in the Workplace
June 3, 2020

Medieval Humanities

1.Define the three eras of Greek scultpure. Compare their major differences. Moreover, in your opinion, how can Hellenic thought – Philosophy – have contributed to the evolution of human sculpted replicas?

2. Choose temples or monuments from Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. Discuss and compare their architectural similarities, as well as differences. Finally, by also using examples in literature, describe their different approaches to immortality implicit in their arts.

3. Discuss the theological/social similarities and differences between Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism (i.e. bring examples from readings to prove your point). Moreover, choose and explain three pieces of Buddhist artwork (including architecture), that reflects a symbolic nature, as well as similarities with early Medieval Christianity

4. According to your studies and research bring examples of Caesar’s humanist capabilities and how these skills contribute to elevate a Roman individual to highest echelons of society. Furthermore, identify and define at least two legacies of Rome – in the arts and politics – that have contributed to the modernization of the world.

5. Out of many backgrounds, Christianity’s most important is the Greco-Roman background. Analyze and explain three fundamental concepts in the arts and literature that Rome transmitted to the early Medieval Church (i.e. painting, mosaics, architecture, administration, literature such as St. Augustine). Bring visual examples when speaking of the arts

6. Outline and discuss the artistic, scientific and intellectual contributions of Islam to world culture.