Mediation and Conflict Management – Report on Conflict

Business process flow
March 19, 2020
Engineering and Construction Materials selection criteria for civil engineering projects
March 19, 2020

Mediation and Conflict Management – Report on Conflict

Mediators can improve their skills by reflecting on past mediations and analysing how they were done. This report requires you to reflect on ONE of the three Mediation sessions done in Blackboard Collaborate and describe how it was effectively/ineffectively mediated. For this report, you will be required to:

•Identify and describe what was causing this conflict and how this conflict was manifested:-

The mediation sessions used was the first session with Juliette & Jimmy as the complainants. Jennifer and Gail were the mediators.
Juliette says that Jimmy is taking his time in getting his report into her and doing this on purpose. Jimmy is saying that Juliette is being disrespected and is not taking into account that he has other reports to do and not just hers. He does get them in on time, which is at midnight on the day they are due. Juliette says this is not enough time as she must go through other reports as well and by Jimmy handing them into her at this late hour does not leave her enough time. It is basically lack of communication on both parts and not respecting one another.

•Explain how the mediation approach/model used was effective and why another conflict management approach might have been more effective

They used the Facilitative, Directive and Transformative Mediation processes.

•Describe three mediation techniques that were used effectively in this session