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May 30, 2020
Piaget’s Sensorimotor and Preoperational Stages
May 30, 2020

Media Communications Law

Media Communications Law

1. Given the sentiments expressed in section 69A of the Evidence Act 1929 (SA) as amended, argue for and against the repeal of section 71A, and give your opinion on which is the preferred argument.
2. In September 2014, the report of the Australian Law Reform Commission entitled Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era was tabled in Federal Parliament. In that report, the ALRC recommended a remedy for invasions of privacy that are serious, committed intentionally or recklessly, and that cannot be justified as being in the public interest. Argue for and against such a proposal, and give your opinion on which is the preferred argument.
3. South Australia has not followed other States in adopting the Commonwealth’s lead in creating shield’ laws for journalists who might be before the courts (in the Commonwealth’s case, the federal courts) charged with contempt of court or facing such an allegation. Argue for and against SA adopting section 126H of the Evidence Act 1995 (Commonwealth), and give your opinion on which is the preferred argument.
4. The report of the Finkelstein media inquiry in 2012 recommended the creation of a News Media Council. The council would be responsible for the regulation of radio, print, television and online news media organisations. This would, presumably, combine the functions of ACMA and the APC. Argue for and against the Finkelstein proposition, and give your opinion on which is the preferred argument.