Measuring Earthquakes explanations

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Measuring Earthquakes explanations

Measuring Earthquakes explanations

“Algebra Review” Please respond to the following:
•    Explain in your own words what the author of your textbook means by the statement, “If you add percents, you often obtain incorrect results.” Determine other kinds of errors that can contribute to inaccurate percent results.
•    Provide an example in which you might use a proportion to solve a problem in your daily life.
Week 5 Discussion 1
“Exponential and Logarithmic Models” Please respond to the following:
•    Refer to the Measuring Earthquakes explanations, in your textbook, to answer the following questions. Chapter 10, Logarithmic Scales section, indicates that “The earthquake with a magnitude 8 releases a million times more energy than an earthquake with magnitude 4.”
o    Assess the accuracy of this statement. Explain your answer in mathematical terms.
From the e-Activity: (this is the e-Activity)  Visit the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Website at Click on the Learn tap, click FAQ on the left bar menu, click Measuring Earthquakes of the FAQ Categories. From there, click on and read the answers to the following questions:
•    What are the different magnitude scales, and why are there so many?
•    How are earthquakes recorded? How are earthquakes measured? How is the magnitude of an earthquake determined?
•    How much energy is released in an earthquake?
•    What is the difference between intensity scales and magnitude scales?
•    Summarize the source of the calculations for the Richter scale.
•    Compare the Richter scale and Mercalli scale. In your opinion, explain which is more meaningful in the use of reporting earthquake destruction.
•    Describe how math and science has made reporting earthquakes more accurate.
Week 6 Discussion 1
“Financial Management” Please respond to the following:
•    Explain the three methods for calculating credit card interest and your reason for going with a particular method.
•    Provide an example of how you can use the power of compounding interest to pay for a future expense.
•    Discuss which practical application covered in the chapter you think you will use within the next year and how you think studying this topic will help you make wise financial choices in the future.

Algrebra Homework 4. 1-19

2.    Solve the inequality.
11 < 7 + y

3.    Solve the inequality.
4 ? x ? 2x + 16
4.    Solve the inequality.
3(3F ? 4) > 4F ? 8

5.    Write a formula to express the given relation.
The area A of a parallelogram is the product of the base b and the height h.
A =
6.    Write a formula to express the given relation.
The area A of a rhombus is one-half the product of the diagonals p and q.
7.    If you multiply a number by five and then subtract negative ten, the difference is negative fifteen. What is the number?

8.    The sum of three consecutive integers is 126. What are the integers? (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)

9.    Two persons are to run a race, but one can run 9 meters per second, whereas the other can run 5 meters per second. If the slower runner has a 46-meter head start, how long will it be before the faster runner catches the slower runner, if they begin at the same time?
10.    Write the ratio given as a simplified ratio.

A cement mixture calls for 200 pounds of cement for 5 gallons of water. What is the ratio of cement to water?
to 1
11.    Write the ratio given as a simplified ratio.

If you drive 184 miles on 11 1/2

gallons of gas, what is the simplified ratio of miles to gallons?
to 1