Meaningful Spectacles: Gothic Ivories Staging the Divine Custom Essay

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Meaningful Spectacles: Gothic Ivories Staging the Divine Custom Essay

Meaningful Spectacles: Gothic Ivories Staging the Divine The theme of the article is an expansion on the understanding of “microarchitecture as bearing meaning through a semiological role making a movement from traditional discussion as ornament and Panofsky and Gombrich’s styles� (Guerin, 54). This perspective show that Gothic ivories reveal their configuration, determines their format, composition, and iconography while incorporating the materiality of ivory. The incorporation of ivory in the 11th and 12th centuries is evident with the statuettes of the virgin child and triptychs that bear well articulated michroarchitectural frames owing to increased supply of ivory through developed routes that augmented supply. This study aims at convening the main ideas, themes, and organization of the article, “Meaningful Spectacles: