MBA8000 ASSIGNMENT 2: Details

Portfolio Academic Essay
September 23, 2020
General Mills a Strategic Analysis
September 23, 2020

MBA8000 ASSIGNMENT 2: Details

MBA8000 ASSIGNMENT 2: Details

Due Date: 11 October 2016

Word Limit: 3,000


Company ABC has produced a gene therapy technique that will reduce the development of microcephaly in the unborn babies of pregnant woman who have become infected with the Zika virus. The therapy requires the use of stem cells and company ABC will need a large supply of them to treat the wider community. Clinical trials have shown that when adult stem cells are used there is a 15% reduction in microcephaly. When embryo stem cells under 14 days old are used there is a reduction in microcephaly of 50%. When embryo stem cells over 14 days old are used there is a reduction in microcephaly of 100%.


Company ABC need a large supply of stem cells for their gene therapy technique but they are unsure of what type of stem cells to use. All they know at this stage is that they want to acquire the stem cells legally and ethically. Company ABC is a huge multinational company and can set up their laboratory anywhere in the world.


They have asked you to do some preliminary research and write a Report to help them decide what type of stem cells to use. In your Report you need to address the legal and ethical issues related to the use of stem cells, the unborn babies, the pregnant women and the potential for further international spread of the Zika virus.


Based on your Report Company ABC will be carrying out some further research to acquire the stem cells that you recommended. Before they can do that research they will need to get approval from the Ethics Committee. So, they need to be aware of the ethical issues when they are designing their research. They want you to briefly outline the steps that they should undertake to ensure that their research is ethical. They will also need to know the essential ethical components that they would have to consider. So, you need to address that in your report.


You do not have enough words in this assignment to cover all of the possible steps and components for all the different types of research available. As you do not know what type of research that Company ABC might decide to use (to acquire the stem cells) you will need to choose one type of research and address the ethical issues related to the steps and components of that particular type of research.


Format of the Assignment

This assignment is to be presented as a full formal report (including letter of transmittal, executive summary etc)



MBA8000 ASSIGNMENT 2: Marking Criteria


Structure and format

Below the standard required.
0 – 49%
Meets acceptable standard.
50 – 64%
Exceeds acceptable standard.
65 – 74%
Far exceeds required standard
75 – 100%
The student has not submitted an error free manuscript and/or has failed to adhere to the required format as follows:

•       Incorrect formal report style

•       Not within the word limit

•       Contains grammatical and/or typographical errors

•       Contains referencing style errors

The student has mostly submitted an error free manuscript and has generally adhered to the required   format as follows:

•       Correct formal report style

•       Within the word limit

•       Contains few grammatical and/or typographical errors

•       Few referencing style errors

The student has submitted an error free manuscript and has adhered to the required   format as follows:

•       Correct formal report style

•       Within the word limit

•       Contains few or no grammatical and/or typographical errors

•       Minor referencing style errors.

The student has manuscript that is exemplary and adheres to the required format as follows:

•       Correct formal report style

•       Within the word limit

•       Contains no grammatical and/or typographical errors

•       No referencing style errors.




MARK     / 10









Below the standard required.
0 – 49%
Meets acceptable standard.
50 – 64%
Exceeds acceptable standard.
65 – 74%
Far exceeds required standard
75 – 100%
The student has failed to provide a sound introduction and does not clearly align it to the question proposed. The student has provided an acceptable introduction and aligns it to the question proposed. The student has provided a sound introduction and clearly aligns it to the question proposed. The student has provided a comprehensive introduction and clearly aligns it to the question proposed.



MARK       / 10














Literature review (For stem cell research and ethical steps and components in research design)

Below the standard required.
0 – 49%
Meets acceptable standard.
50 – 64%
Exceeds acceptable standard.
65 – 74%
Far exceeds required standard
75 – 100%
The student has presented a literature review that is below the standard required based on the following:

·         Does not provide an adequate coverage of known research.

·         Does not show evidence of a depth of analysis

·         Shows little evidence of an appropriate standard of information literacy techniques.

·         Is largely descriptive with limited attempt to review and critique the information provided.

·         No evidence of alignment to the overall research question.

The student has presented a literature review that is acceptable based on the following:

·         Provides an adequate coverage of known research.

·         Evidence of an acceptable depth of analysis.

·         Shows emerging mastery of appropriate level of information literacy techniques.

·         Is largely descriptive with some attempt to review and critique the information provided.

·         Shows some alignment to the overall research question.

The student has presented a literature review that is very good based on the following:

·         Provides and sound coverage of known research.

·         Evidence of a good depth of analysis.

·         Shows some mastery of appropriate level of information literacy techniques.

·         Is generally not descriptive with a high standard of review and critique of the information provided.

·         Shows clear alignment to the overall research question.

The student has presented a literature review that is excellent based on the following:

·         Provides an excellent and detailed coverage of known research.

·         Evidence of an excellent depth of analysis.

·         Shows mastery of appropriate level of information literacy techniques.

·         Is critical and analytical and reviews the information provided to a high standard

·         Shows clear alignment to the overall research question.





MARK      / 30




Use of theory and recommendations

Below the standard required.
0 – 49%
Meets acceptable standard.
50 – 64%
Exceeds acceptable standard.
65 – 74%
Far exceeds required standard
75 – 100%
The student has not used any theory to inform their recommendations. The student has used theory to inform their recommendations The student has a very good understanding of theory and used it well to inform their recommendations The student showed an excellent understanding and use of relevant theory to inform their recommendations



MARK     / 30



Ethical steps and components in research design

Below the standard required.
0 – 49%
Meets acceptable standard.
50 – 64%
Exceeds acceptable standard.
65 – 74%
Far exceeds required standard
75 – 100%
The student has not identified a particular type of research or mentioned the ethical steps and components for that research.


The student has identified a particular type of research and mentioned some of the ethical steps and components for that research.


The student has clearly identified a particular type of research and outlined most of the ethical steps and components for that research.


The student has clearly identified a particular type of research and discussed the ethical steps and components for that research in depth.





MARK     / 20



