MBA In Leadership and sustainability

For this assignment, you will analyze intercultural communication within a film.
July 19, 2020
Discuss the ways stigma can influence health care delivery for marginalised people and groups in Australian society? People from the following groups
July 19, 2020

MBA In Leadership and sustainability

MBA In Leadership and sustainabilityOrder DescriptionTask:
The PAPER must not exceed 1500 words. Plus/Minus 10% and it consists of two questions:
Q1. 70 Points
Understanding Human Behavior is critical to organizations discuss the benefits of self evaluation/self assessment as it relates to leaders today.Q2. 30 Points:Prejudice can be hurtful and destructive discuss how you can personally reduce prejudice in your workplace please provide an example.Pedagogical aim and expectations:
MBA level paper requires external research supported by in text references and a bibiography.
It is very critical that the response should demonstrate skills of critical reflection, effective communication and balanced judgement along with application of theories and the attached materials.Clarity is and Perfect English is very important and must be proof read to eliminate confusing passages and major errors. Any data in the answer should be clearly laid out in tabular format so that the approach and answer are both plainly evident.Plagiarism: Finally, and most importantly, this work will be checked by the electronic databases to identify plagiarism. Please note carefully that you may consult academic texts or other sources on theoretical aspects, but if you copy any text from any external sources you must correctly reference the source in the text (using Harvard or Oxford formats), and clearly identify any copied text by means of italics or inverted commas. This includes text written by you.