Mathematical Understanding: Student Interview

MCQ-20 1.Cost allocation is:
June 17, 2020
Operationalizing Constructs
June 17, 2020

Mathematical Understanding: Student Interview

Order Description

Select a child ages 4 to 8. Interview this child to gain insight into the child’s mathematical understanding in the area of Number. Ask the student to solve three to four age appropriate mathematical problems about number development (refer to for ideas). Record all student work on paper and attach to interview. Take brief notes during the interview and fill in later. Probe students for her or his understanding as the student solves the problem. Ask students how the student solved the tasks. Ensure that students have appropriate materials. Use the questions below to write a brief profile of the student to include in your report.

A. Background information (Grade level, age, and gender of child; DO NOT USE CHILD’S LAST NAME)

B. Describe in detail how the student solved the tasks.

C. How would you characterize this student’s mathematical understanding of number? What are her or his areas of strength? What misconceptions did the student reveal?

D. Your Personal Reflection
What was your impression of the interview process itself? What can you see as the benefits or advantages of interviewing students? What are some of the challenges?
E. Comment on how you might include this in your Professional Portfolio.
How could this interview enhance a potential employer’s assessment of your teaching ability?