Mass Media in East Asia Essay Academic Essay

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Mass Media in East Asia Essay Academic Essay

Select ONE from the following topics:

1. … the media in much of East and Southeast Asia stand in harmony with
Confucian philosophy, which stresses “consensus and cooperation” unlike the Western media’s dedication to “individual freedom and rights” (Heuvel & Dennis, 1993:iii). … Asians complain about the forward, adversarial style of the Western media and the sex and violence of some Western programming while Western journalists complain about excessive restrictions and inadequate access to information (Heuvel & Dennis, 1993:2).
Discuss it in terms of both media and regulatory practice in Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan,
Japan and South Korea. You have to include at least two countries in your discussion.

2. Select any specific aspect(s) of mass media in two of the following four
countries – Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea –, and compare it/them. Discuss the similarities and/or differences between the two countries. Specific aspect(s) can be: media system, media history, media control/regulation, media content, media policy, new media etc.

3. Select any specific aspect(s) of mass media in one of the following four
countries – Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea –, and compare it/them with another country of your choice. Discuss the similarities and/or differences between the two countries. Specific aspect(s) can be: media system, media history, media control/ regulation, media content, media policy, new media etc.

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions