Marketing Plan
You work In a company that offers management training Your market research effort indicates that In your community (you live in New York City), mere Is hot demand for courses on project management. A number of competitors are
offering such courses. and all appear to be doing well.
Your market research effort entailed reviewing the course offerings of competitions, interviewing the training directors at fifteen companies, and conducting a survey of students who have taken at least one of your courses
dunning the past two years Based on this market research effort, you decide to develop a suite of four courses, each of wild lasts two days They are:
Project management fundamentals
Project planning and control
Project finance and budgeting
Project risk and quality management
We have just disoussed the product above Now, put together a very short markebng plan that addresses pricing, pmmot.n, arid place (le. distribution) For each of these items. scuss what needs to be taken into account in order to deal with them effectively (e g,, What do we need to think about when pricng our courses?). Then bnefly descnbe how the item will be handled (e.g. What steps can be taken to promote the courses?)
In putting together your micro-marketing plan, be pracUcal. Ths micro plan Is a tirst step in getting a handle on your marketing strategy. Ultimately, your company will develop a ui scale marketing plan but that wit occur later.