Marketing on the Art Industry Academic Essay

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Marketing on the Art Industry Academic Essay

Idea: Since the early days of modernism, artists have accepted a predicament to the economy surrounding their work as artists. New markets have developed, trade restrictions have decreased and results of globalization have affected the art market. Despite the financial crisis, art has engaged attention with new investors. Art today arises in places without a market for art, or in countries where a capitalist market is not the primary mode of social and cultural organization. Art can exist without a market, but artists depend on a certain economy in order to live and make art part of their lives.

The readings below are reading that must be used as sources to write this summary:
source 1= Sam Bowles, Richard Edwards, and Frank Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism—Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford University Press. Chapters= 1-6-8-9-11-12-13-19

source2= Ha-Joon Chang, Economics: The User’s Guide, Pelican Books. chapters= 2-3-11

source 3= Robert Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers (Links to an external site.), seventh edition, Simon and Schuster, 1999. chapters= 3

source 4= choose either a book or site (art)

source 5: choose either a book or site (art)

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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions