Strategic thinking either in your workplace, or a topical issue in public policy
August 29, 2020
Marketing on the Art Industry Academic Essay
August 29, 2020

Marketing Magazine Article

Marketing Magazine Article
Order Description

follow the instruction very carefully for the assignment. And remember to read the unit outline, marking guide and hints given.

Company Selection – UBER (Australia and global) about their success in related to Blue Ocean Strategy.

Format Word Document.
Cover page do not required.

At least 4 in text references using the course text book. Other references is up to you, neither online, journal or other text.

Picture used also need to be reference
(not include in the required 14 reference)

Please write in a more easy understanding English as this is a Magazine Article, but lecturer said using marketing technical term is no problem (but dont write like an academic essay) Sample been provided.

I have submit also the previous assignment also from Australian writing, the previous writer like to use the word (wholesome), if possible use couple of time. And please write a similar level of English
