Many Democrats oppose the death penalty and support abortion. Are both positions confusing, inconsistent? How should we handle dangerous pregnancy?

Houston Dialysis Center
March 27, 2020
Howard Zinn. A people’s History of the United States: 1492- Present
March 27, 2020

Many Democrats oppose the death penalty and support abortion. Are both positions confusing, inconsistent? How should we handle dangerous pregnancy?

View Debate: ABORTION :
After viewing, post your pro or con opinion thread on the discussion board before Thursday, March 6th, 10pm on the following debate:
Abortion has been an enduring and heated issue in American politics because it pits two major American values against each other: life and liberty. One side says abortion is an act that ends life. The other says to deny an abortion is to deny individual liberty. Should abortion be legal or illegal in the U.S? The Declaration of Independence states that there are God-given unalienable rights including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Those that oppose abortion focus on LIFE, those that support abortion focus on LIBERTY. When does life begin? Some people say it starts at conception, some say early during the pregnancy, others say later in the pregnancy. An equally important follow up question centers on who should make the determination of when life begins. Many Republican oppose abortion and support the death penalty. Many Democrats oppose the death penalty and support abortion. Are both positions confusing, inconsistent? How should we handle dangerous pregnancy? If a late term pregnancy threatens the mother’s life, should we allow for an abortion? Should the Constitution protect the mother or the unborn baby in this circumstance? While the 1973 Supreme Court case of Roe v Wade gave women the right to abortion, the issue remains controversial because of its religious and moral components.
WHAT DO YOU THINK Should abortion be legal or illegal in the U.S.?
Abortion has been an enduring and heated issue in American politics because it pits two major American values against each other: life and liberty. One side says abortion is an act that ends life. The other says to deny an abortion is to deny individual liberty.
Having an abortion is a woman’s decision to have a medical procedure done on her own body and should be her free choice.
Abortion is the act of taking a life, an unborn baby’s life, and should be illegal.
The Declaration of Independence states that there are God-given unalienable rights including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Those that oppose abortion focus on LIFE, those that support abortion focus on LIBERTY.
When does life begin? Some people say it starts at conception, some say early during the pregnancy, others say later in the pregnancy. An equally important follow up question centers on who should make the determination of when life begins.
The landmark 1973 case made abortion legal in all 50 states. Prior to Roe v. Wade, abortion laws were determined by the states. Consequently, abortion was legal in some states and illegal in others.
Many Republican oppose abortion and support the death penalty. Many Democrats oppose the death penalty and support abortion. Are both positions confusing, inconsistent?
Feminism is a belief system and social movement that seeks to eradicate gender inequality and promote women’s rights.
How should we handle dangerous pregnancy? If a late term pregnancy threatens the mother’s life, should we allow for an abortion? Should the Constitution protect the mother or the unborn baby in this circumstance?
Physician assisted suicide is a practice that allows a very sick person to take his or her own life under the supervision of a doctor. Oregon is currently the only state that allows for assisted suicide.