Paper details:
answer all questions as required, you will need a text book, the book is called Becoming a master manager: Competing Values approach.
Task Description
Each of the competencies covered in the text includes the five steps of the ALAPA model: Assessment, Learning, Analysis, Practice & Application.
The assessment in this course requires access to the textbook.
For on-campus students only:
• Before attending classes you are expected to the complete the ‘Assessment’ & ‘Learning’ components of the week’s competencies from the textbook.
• You will need to complete the ‘Assessment’ & ‘Learning’ components in readiness for ‘Analysis’, ‘Practice’ and/or ‘Application’ activities conducted in class.
• Bring your textbook, and completed ‘Assessment’ activities to class with you. If you have purchased the ebook and have a portable device that you’d like to bring to class, please do .
• Many of the activities below require attendance at class to complete, and some you will work on while in class.
• If you miss a class or plan to miss classes, contact the course coordinator (and your lead lecturer and tutor, where applicable) via email within 7 days of the missed class.
For FLEX students only:
• Work through the ALAPA steps for each competency.
• You are expected to collaborate with other students on the course Moodle forums to complete any ‘group’ tasks.
• For some tasks, it is suitable also/alternatively to collaborate with other people such as family, friends or colleagues.
What do I submit for Assessment Task 2?
Submit components 1 to 6. The word count for components 1 to 5 of Assessment Task 1 is between 2000 and 2500 words. Component 6 is not included in the word count.
1. A copy of a professionally presented reply email (100-150 words) that you have sent to the course coordinator (with a CC to your lead lecturer and tutor, where applicable). This email should demonstrate that you have completed Integration and the Road to Mastery | Application – Your Strategy for Mastery (page 328-329), and reveal your learning from completing that activity. Please note that the email will be assessed upon submission of this Assessment Task, not on receipt of the email.
2. At least two of the following activities (use the ‘Learning’ section from each competency to inform your responses). You can include more than two activities if you wish, but for the entire document (components 1 to 6), do not exceed the upper word count limit of 2500 words or fail to meet the lower limit of 2000 words).
• Module 3, Competency 1 | Developing and Communicating a Vision | Analysis – Doug Fecher, Wright Patt Credit Union (page 179-180)
• Module 3, Competency 2 | Setting Goals and Objectives | Practice – Creating an Implementation Plan (page 193-194)
• Module 3, Competency 3 | Motivating Self and Others | Analysis – From Motivated to Demotivated in 60 Seconds (page 206-207)
• Module 3, Competency 4 | Designing and Organizing | Practice – USPS: Prescribe a Possible Future (page 226)
• Module 3, Competency 5 | Managing Execution and Driving for Results | Analysis – Execution and Results in a Crisis situation (page 235-236)
3. At least two of the following activities (use the ‘Learning’ section from each competency to inform your responses). You can include more than two activities if you wish, but for the entire document (components 1 to 6), do not exceed the upper word count limit of 2500 words or fail to meet the lower limit of 2000 words).
• Module 4, Competency 1 | Using Power and Influence Ethically and Effectively | Application – Building Your Power Base by Changing Your Influence Strategy (page 256)
• Module 4, Competency 2 | Championing and Selling New Ideas | Analysis – Applying Communication Tools to Evaluate a Presentation (page 268-269) [evaluate one of the videos provided on Moodle for this course]
• Module 4, Competency 3 | Fueling and Fostering Innovation | Application 2 – New Approaches to the Same Old Problem (page 283)
• Module 4, Competency 4 | Negotiating Agreement and Commitment | Analysis – Your Effectiveness as a Negotiator (page 290-291)
• Module 4, Competency 5 | Implementing and Sustaining Change | Analysis – Reorganizing the Legal Division (page 305 – 307)
4. One ‘perfect paragraph’ (50-100 words) about a management topic from weeks 7-12, following the format shown. A minimum of 5 citations are required in this paragraph: you must cite the textbook, at least three journal articles provided through the course Moodle site in weeks 7-12, and at least one other peer-reviewed journal articles acquired through the CQUniversity library DiscoverIt search engine. Follow correct referencing, and include a reference list. The paragraph should be 4 sentences long, and follow this format.
• Topic sentence
• Evidence/elaboration of ideas/analysis/exemplification/persuasion/analysis of counter-argument/example
• Evidence/elaboration of ideas/analysis/exemplification/persuasion/analysis of counter-argument/exampe
• Conclusion
5. A self-evaluation (100-150 words) of your assessment item, answering the following questions:
• What are the strengths of your assessment item?
• How could your assessment item be improved?
• What comments do you think the marker will make about your assessment item?
• How would you score your assessment item, based on the criteria?
6. Competing Values Competency Questionnaire – redo this task near to the submission date (this is not included in your word count, but must be submitted).
Assessment Criteria
High Distinction
Demonstrates imagination, originality or flair, based on proficiency; work is interesting or surprisingly exciting, challenging, well read or scholarly. Distinction
Demonstrates awareness and understanding of deeper and less obvious aspects, such as ability to identify and debate critical issues or problems, ability to solve non-routine problems, ability to adapt and apply ideas to new situations, and ability to invent and evaluate new ideas. Credit
Demonstrates ability to use and apply fundamental concepts and skills, going beyond mere replication of content knowledge or skill to show understanding of key ideas, awareness of their relevance, some use of analytical skills, and some originality or insight. Pass
Demonstrates the criteria, such as knowledge of fundamental concepts and performance of basic skills; demonstrates sufficient quality of performance to be considered satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in relation to the criteria. Fail
Fails to demonstrate the criteria.
Demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts, principles and theories of management and how they have evolved.
Explain the four basic management functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling and how they should be implemented.
Discuss how external environmental factors can impact on managerial and organisational processes and priorities.
Identify and explain contemporary management challenges.
Demonstrate intellectual nurturing through analysis, problem solving, critical thinking, cross cultural competence, ethical practice, research skills, skill in communication, information literacy and information technology & completing a comprehensive, compelling and convincing self evaluation.