bacterial pathogenesis
July 21, 2020
Describe a specific insight or awareness about the human condition that youve gleaned from any two pieces of literature weve read so far
July 21, 2020


MANAGING NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONSFIRST REPORT REQUIREMENTS 2016Your first report should comply with the following requirements:
PRESENTATIONAL REQUIREMENTSCover sheet with name, student number, name of focus and comparator organisationsStatement of OriginalityAriel 11 or 12 point, double spacingNo Appendices5 pages + referencesYou can delete unnecessary instructions/details on these pages when you present your answers, to give yourself more space.
CONTENT REQUIREMENTSThe report should show the following elementsMax no of pages Mark allocation
Week 2 fundraising task
1 20
Week 3 finance task
1 20Week 4 campaigning task
1 20
Week 5 HR task 1 20Outline of 2 chosen management issues 1 20List of references in Harvard format No limitTOTAL PAGES AND MARKS 5 pages + referencesNo appendices
permitted 100
This first report counts 40% of your total module mark (the mark out of 100 will be converted later to a mark out of 40). The final report will count 60% of your total module mark.WEEK TWO FUNDRAISING TASKS U58027 2016
(1) For your focus organisation collect as much of the following information as you can find. Your sources should include the organisations published Accounts and Trustees Annual Reports.Name of Organisation:Yr 1
Yr 2
Yr 3
Yr 4
Yr 5

Voluntary income
Voluntary Expenditure
Income from charitable activities
Expenditure on charitable activities
Income from trading activities
Expenditure on trading activitiesYear 1:= most recently available accounting year. State what this is and amend the Yr 1/2/3/4/5 headings accordinglyIf your focus organisation does not have one of the income types noted above, then leave out that section.Hint: make sure you are reading the amounts correctly so that you dont show 5,000 when you mean 5m.(2) Voluntary Income Detail (if appropriate and available)List top 4 sources of voluntary income e.g. individual donations, corporate donations Yr 1
Yr 2
Yr 3
Yr 4
Yr 5
(3) Fundraising challenges, problems or prioritiesIdentify any fundraising challenges, problems or priorities which are highlighted by the above figures and/or in Trustee Annual Reports and in the notes to the Financial Accounts.Page count: 1 page. Delete unnecessary detail on these forms if you need to create more space.Mark allocation: 20 marks.Please note: half the marks will be allocated to the data in tables that you present, and the other half to your comments and interpretation of their significance.
WEEK 3 FINANCE TASK U58027 2016(1) For your focus organisation, refer to their Financial Accounts and show the following information:Yr 1
Yr 2
Yr 3
Yr 4
Yr 5

Total income from all sources
Total expenditure of all kinds
Total Funds to carry forward
Unrestricted Funds to carry forward Year 1 = data from most recently available accounting year. State what this is and amend the Yr 1/2/3/4/5 headings accordingly(2) Using the worked examples of ratio analysis we have covered in class, calculate the following for your focus organisation:Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Voluntary income margin
Trading income margin
Charitable activity deficit
If your focus organisation does not have one of the income types noted above, then leave out that section
(3) Now comment on the margins and the deficits in question two, to show your understanding of what the terms mean and what the figure indicate e.g. comment on trends over time and how significant you think they are.
Page count: 1 page. Delete unnecessary detail on these forms if you need to create more space.Mark allocation: 20 marks.Please note: half the marks will be allocated to the data in tables that you present, and the other half to your comments and interpretation of their significance.WEEK 4 CAMPAIGNING TASK U58027 2016
The taskIdentify recent , cause-based, advocacy campaigns run by your focus organisation. Choose one of them and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in terms of the criteria below.Make sure to state the name of the campaign you are evaluating, and provide a specific URL to where you found information about it on your focus organisations website.
Use the campaigning materials and examples presented in week 4 as a guide to help you with these tasks.Restrictions1. The campaign should not be a fundraising campaign.
Criteria to be used in your evaluation1. Is the campaign consistent with the organisations aims ?2. Is the injustice clear and is it clear what changes the campaign seeks?3. Is there evidence of clear campaign objectives and targets (individuals and/or organisations), and evidence that a power and influence map was drawn up?4. Does the organisation seem to be bringing sufficient resources to the campaign? Think in terms of supporters, donors, reputation from previous campaigns etc. Think of technology/online resources too.5. What are the tactics being used are they realistic, innovative, and do they make good use of technology?Page count: 1 page for this campaigning task. Make sure to cover all the criteria outlined above.
Mark Allocation: 20 marks
WEEK 5 HR TASK U58027 2016The Tasks1) Based on the Trustee Annual Reports for your focus organisation, provide as much of the following data as you can:Yr 1
Yr 2
Yr 3
Yr 4
Yr 5Number of paid staff
Number of unpaid volunteers
Total staff costs (if available)
No of staff paid above 100,000 pa (or however the organisation shows its top staff)Note: as with the finance and fundraising tasks, Yr 1 is the most recent year for which information is available. Then work backwards to Yr 5.2) Then identify any trends in the above data and why they might be significant.3) Finally, based on the material available on the website and in the Annual Reports of your focus organisation, present a brief evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of its:3.1 Approach to the recruitment, training, support and recognition of volunteers
3.2 Approach to attracting and retaining paid staff
Note: if they dont seem to do much in these areas, identify the implications of their inactivity and relate this to relevant literature.
Page count for this task: 1 pageMark allocation: 20 marks
The final part of your first report is to explain, with evidence, two of the management issues facing your focus organisation that you plan to analyse in more depth in the final report. One or more of these issues could of course be drawn from analysis already undertaken for this report. (You will be able to change your mind and analyse other issues if you decide later in the module this would be a good idea).What do we mean by Management Issues ?Other words for issues are problems or challenges or dilemmas. They can also be understood as questions that need to be addressed if the organisation is to survive or thrive.
How do you identify such issues ?
There is no single, correct way to identify issues but broadly speaking they might be found in two ways:1. Through analysing material (reports, data etc) produced by or written directly about an organisation, in which you or another author are able to identify a specific issue or challenge.2. Through conducting a wider environmental or competitor analysis or SWOT, you identify factors which are likely to impact on the organisation but which they or others might not have yet identified. But if you identify issues in this way, make sure they are then directly linked to the focus organisation and not so generic that they could apply to all organisations equally.
The importance of evidence to support your choiceHowever you identify your chosen issues, you need to show specific evidence (including references beyond the organisations own materials) for why you think an issue will have an impact on your focus organisation.Page count for this task: 1 pageMark Allocation: 20 marks
Evidence of effective secondary research on the organisations (criterion 3)
Critical reasoning/analysis (criteria 4 and 5)
/10 for data
/10 for analysis
= /20
Finance Task
Evidence of effective secondary research on the organisations (criterion 3)
Critical reasoning/analysis (criteria 4 and 5)/10 for data + /10 for analysis = /20
Campaigning Task
Use of literature/module concepts/evidence of reading (criterion 3)
Critical reasoning/analysis (criteria 4 and 5)
HR Task
Evidence of effective secondary research on the organisations (criterion 3)
Critical reasoning/analysis (criteria 4 and 5)
/10 for data + /10 for analysis = /20
Management Issues
Use of literature/module concepts/evidence of reading (criterion 3)
Critical reasoning/analysis (criteria 4 and 5)/20
Presentation, referencing, overall comments (if any)
Presentation and clarity of expression (criterion 1)
Referencing (criterion 2)
_______________________________________________________________First marker name and signature:Moderator Comments and signature (where applicable):No specific marks