Pick one of the approaches of either realism, liberalism, International Society or International Political Economy to show how compatible (or not) are
May 11, 2020
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochemistry, PNAS, Cell, Nature, Science, etc.—high quality biochemistry or molecular biology journals
May 11, 2020



Work Based Project Final Report (3500 words, 70%)

Write an evaluative report detailing your project and the outcomes (Writer €“ I have sent my project as an attachment with feedback from my last assignment).

Notes for Assistance to Participants (Please make sure you cover ALL of this, if you need to ask me ANYTHING please do as i want to get a distinction).

1. Clearly demonstrate how it is original and how it adds value €“ The Project Report will present in detail the results of your project. It will document the process that you have followed in undertaking the project, your analysis of the process and, importantly, the outcomes of your
a. You need to be very clear about exactly what work you have done, and clearly acknowledge pre-existing organisation resources such as a survey carried out by somebody else, or assistance provided by any project team, and you should follow normal academic referencing protocols in this regard.
b. For the project report, references are not limited to published works. The participant who obtains background information (as opposed to data gathering) for a project through interviews should include a list of interviewees in the references (confidentiality permitting) or at least identify the number of interviewees, roles and focus of the information gathering. Data obtained from non-published sources should also be listed. (Writer €“ we held a stakeholder meeting to gathering information)
c. The report and the reference list must make it very clear what was your work and what was existing work (Writer €“ I was the Project Manager therefore it was all my work, I collaborated with Stakeholders, Architects, Builders, Building Management to ensure project ran to schedule).
2. Presentation and dissemination €“ It is not an academic requirement to present yourWork Based Project orally although some jurisdictions may provide an opportunity for participants to present their work to sponsors, colleagues and other interested stakeholders. Any such presentations may constitute part of the dissemination requirement of the project.
3. Be analytical €“ Your project report is an analytical report (see Section 5.6 of this guide) intended to report the outcomes of yourWork Based Project. Its purpose is not to convey preconceived notions or justify a position.
4. Project and self management €“ The project is an important exercise in project management and self-management. As you would have learned by successfully completing the PSM Program to date, you must make it a priority. Planning and a regular commitment to work on the project
will ensure that you can deliver a good project in the specified timeframe.
5. Keep a diary €“ Keep notes of your thoughts throughout the project. Some people involved in large projects maintain a journal where they regularly record observations, discussions that they have had, or decisions that they have taken about an aspect of the project. Later when writing up their findings, they use the journal as an aid in recalling details that might otherwise be lost. The themes and patterns that you identify in your information will provide the substantive basis of your project report and the data gathered will provide the evidence to support your solution,
as well as your recommendations for further action.
6. Structure and logic €“ YourWork Based Project report should have a coherent structure. It is a lengthy report that requires careful development. After all your work in conducting your project,
you want your report to present a comprehensive and readable account of your project. If you have broken your project up into stages using the problem-solving logic, (or a similar structured process) this logic provides an initial framework for writing up your project report. Ultimately, you
need to settle on a framework that conveys how the aim was achieved: what you did, what the evidence was and what the important outcomes and recommendations are. Seek advice from colleagues about whether the structure you propose makes sense to them.While there will be
some variation in the contents of the body of the project report, ensure that your report has every section of the report format as outlined in Section 5.5.2 of this guide.

a. Cover letter/ memo
b. Title Page
c. Table of Contents
d. Executive Summary
e. Main Body of the report €“ introduction, body, conclusion, recommendations (use meaningful headings)
f. Reference List
g. Appendices
NOTE: Elements d and e above are included in the word count.
7. Appendices €“ Your project proposal and plan with the feedback from the assessor must be appended, along with any questionnaire, interview schedule and background etc. Note that Assessors are not required to read or comment on appendices, other than the project plan and
project proposal, but may scan them to glean an overall impression of any additional detail that is available.

VERY IMPORTANT €“ Consideration for Assessors
Mere description of the project will not warrant a grade above a pass. For higher grades it is necessary to demonstrate critical analysis of the process and results of the project and the capacity to make connections between the theories and concepts learned through the PSM Program and the experience of implementing the project.
It is possible to achieve a high grade even if the project did not go according to plan, provided that there is thorough analysis of the reasons and clear identification of learning.