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This unit recognises that communications do not automatically take place effectively in organisations and that both information and work-based knowledge is often insufficient when decisions are made. Learners will look at how managers can improve the planning of their communications processes as well as their communication skills. Learners will understand why managers need to adopt a more inclusive approach to stakeholders affected by the decisions they make and why they need to network on a more structured basis. The unit also looks at how managers can make the information and knowledge they gain accessible to other parts of the organisation.
The unit is designed to develop learner understanding of the interaction between
communications, knowledge and information. It also covers how IT systems can be used as a management tool for collecting, storing, disseminating and providing access to knowledge and information.

Summary of Learning Outcomes (For detailed learning outcomes, see Appendix 4)

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

1 Understand how to assess information and knowledge needs
2 Be able to create strategies to increase personal networking to widen involvement in the decision-making process
3 Be able to develop communication processes
4 Be able to improve systems relating to information and knowledge.

Assignment completion dates

Task 1: end of week 4
Task 2: end of week 6
Task 3: weeks 8
Task 4: week 10


Recommended Resources and Support Materials

Course books
Avgerou C: Information Systems and Global Diversity (Oxford University Press, 2003) ISBN: 0199240779

Boddy D, Boonstra A and Kennedy G: Managing Information Systems; An Organisational Perspective (FT Prentice Hall, 2002) ISBN: 0273655957

Clegg S, Kornberger M and Pitsis T: Managing and Organisations (Sage Publications, 2009) ISBN: 9781412948784

Laudon, Kenneth C. and Jane P.: Management Information Systems – Managing the digital Firm, 11th Ed (Pearson 2010) ISBN-13: 978-0-13-609368-8

Lucey, T: Management Information Systems, 9th Ed. (Thomson Learning, 2005) ISBN: 1-84480-126-8

Little S, Quintas P and Ray T: Managing Knowledge: An Essential Reader (Sage Publications, 2002) ISBN: 0761972173

Preston P: Reshaping Communications (Sage Publications, 2001) ISBN: 0803985630 The Financial Times Case studies

Wordcount and presentation brief

The word count for the three written tasks (Tasks 1, 2 and 4) is a total of 1,800 – 2,400 words i.e. 600 – 800 words for each task.
The third task consists of an individual presentation lasting 8 – 12 minutes. Copies of all support materials and slides used should be handed in at the end of the presentation.

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information: Tasks

In the following, Tasks 1 and 4 are in the form of a report to the Managing Director of the company involved. [For “Report format” see appendix 1]. The report should be based on the real-life study of an organisation with which you are familiar and /or you have researched.
Tasks 2 and 3 are based on the organisation described in “Appendix 3: Scenario 1”. Task 2 is a written task that serves as introduction to Task 3, which is in the form of a short presentation.

Task 1 (Information and Knowledge needs)

A: For the Manager of a specified Department or Division of your chosen organisation, discuss some of the range of decisions in which he/she is likely to be involved.
B: What information and knowledge will help him/her?
C: What sources of information and understanding are currently available to the Manager and are they appropriate?
D: Outline justified areas for improvements in the above.
Task 2 (Personal Networking)

Read Scenario 1. (Appendix 3)

A: Who are the stakeholders affected by decisions about improving the service at ONUS?
B: As Manager of the ONUS, how will you establish contact and develop relationships with the people you identified in part A?
C & D: How will you involve people in decisions about the service, and in what ways will this be better than before?



Task 3 (Communication Processes)

A: Present your assessment of current communication methods at ONUS to colleagues.
B: Design ways to make these communication processes more appropriate.
C: Implement changes that will mean more integrated communication systems for ONUS within the University.
D: How do you intend to improve your own communication skills?
Task 4 (Improving systems): Your real-life organisation

A: In the organization referred to in Task 1, how are information and knowledge collected, formatted, stored and made available?
B: Detail and justify your recommended changes to improve what you identified in part A of this task.
C: How can you make it easier for people throughout the organization addressed in Task 1 to access the new information and knowledge systems?




Appendix 1

Assignment Structure

Structures will vary but to help create a coherent and logical structure, use the following “informal report” structure as a guide for written work:

Introduction – Introduce the topic of study including clear objectives and state what you are hoping to achieve

Findings/Discussion – this the main section of the report, which should be used to communicate the main points of your argument. There is no set format for layout but the easier it is to read the better. As a result, include sub-headings where appropriate.

Conclusion/Summary – this section should be used to base firm and relevant concluding points based upon your findings and is a means of ‘tying in’ all your key points.

Recommendations – where appropriate, make recommendations as a direct result of the points raised in you conclusion/summary

References and Bibliography – please use the HAVARD SYSTEM; referencing is a two-stage process: you need to reference in the text of the report/assignment and at the end in a reference list.

Appendix 2: Grade Descriptors

To achieve a “Pass” grade, learners must complete the four tasks above, covering all the topics in individual task sections and thereby demonstrating a basic understanding of the interaction between communications, knowledge and information.

To achieve a “Merit” grade, learners must accomplish M1, M2 and M3 (as below) in at least one of the tasks listed above.

M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions to the tasks (Relevant theories and techniques applied; a level of detail indicating effective study; appropriate communication and information system improvements suggested; relevant research undertaken)

M2: Select / design and apply appropriate principles and techniques (A range of networking and knowledge-management theories and alternative strategies have been used in appropriate contexts; a range of data sources and texts have been used; role of IT identified)

M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings (Learners’ reports and presentations should be professional and well-structured. [See eg “Report format”]. “Essay-style” is avoided. Technical language used accurately).

To achieve a “Distinction” grade, learners must achieve all merit criteria as well as the following (D1, D2 and D3).

D1: Show evidence of critical reflection in evaluating work presented and justify valid recommendations and conclusions (research and assess the context – internal and external – in which communication and information-management processes are taking place and modify and justify suggestions accordingly; qualify report and presentation content with reference to case study specifics; assessment of own communication abilities incorporated in Task 3; self criticism of recommendations in evidence; independent thinking shown but the value of practical networking recognised).

D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities (Timely and business-like completion of all tasks, defending choices made against alternative approaches; evidence shown of in-depth research into chosen organisation; reflection on practical as well as theoretical communication issues).

D3: Demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking. (Imagination used in eg communication methods or other tactical implementation methods; innovative approaches used; thinking adapted to unfamiliar contexts; contradictory aspects of proposals avoided; accepted theory questioned).
Appendix 3

Scenario 1 Reasonable assumptions which do not contradict this outline may be made.

The ONUS school of English is a small language school based in Oxford with the following members of staff: A Principal and Assistant Principal, charged with overall responsibility for running the school efficiently and making sure spending is kept within budget; a Marketing Director and Marketing Assistant charged with bringing new business into the school; a Director of Studies who has responsibility for day to day academic matters in the school, including interviewing students and teachers, and timetabling lessons; and a core of six teaching staff, supplemented by temporary teachers during the school’s busy periods. There is also a full-time technical support and maintenance officer, two admin staff, who deal with payroll, and enquiries at the front desk; and an accommodation officer, whose duty it is to organise host families for students during their stay, and provide transport for newly arriving students.
Following a recent change of ownership within the school, communications policy is to be reviewed. An ‘us and them’ mentality has developed between staff and senior management, with communication now largely conducted through e-mail. Administration staff feel undervalued and demotivated by their remoteness from management and lack of consultation in decision-making and as a consequence, are not providing a good service for students, several of whom have complained about unhelpful attitudes at the front desk. Teaching staff share this feeling of demotivation and as the quality of teaching has declined, student numbers have declined. The organisation’s website has not been updated for several years, and beyond an enquiries email address, has no scope for interaction between staff and students.

You are tasked with developing a new communications strategy will better address the needs of all ONUS stakeholders.


Appendix 4

Outcomes and assessment criteria

LO1 Understand how to assess information and knowledge needs
1.1 discuss the range of decisions to be taken
1.2 examine the information and knowledge needed to
ensure effective decision taking
1.3 assess internal and external sources of information and
1.4 justify recommendations for improvement

LO2 Be able to create strategies to increase personal networking to widen
involvement in the decision-making process
2.1 identify stakeholders for a decision-making process
2.2 make contact with those identified and develop business relationships
2.3 involve those identified in the decision making as appropriate
2.4 design strategies for improvement

LO3 Be able to develop communication processes
3.1 report on existing processes of communication in an organisation
3.2 design ways to improve appropriateness
3.3 implement improvements to ensure greater integration
of systems of communication in that organisation
3.4 create a personal plan to improve own communication

LO4 Be able to improve systems relating to information and knowledge
4.1 report on existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge
4.2 carry out appropriate changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge
4.3 implement a strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge.


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