Conducting Research and Evaluating Sources
May 12, 2020
Define the genogram technique, team development stages and team role theory.
May 13, 2020

manager’s dilemma

manager’s dilemma
Write a moral evaluation of case. I have to create solutions or answers to a scenario (situation he has given). I will be uploading the entire scenario. the job is to go through the book and only the book ( Business ethics 7th edition by richard t.degeorge), and come up with a very short no less then two page answer or solution to what should be done. I only want the book Business ethics 7th edition by richard t.degeorge to be the source. Please only quote from the book and cite from where you found the quote in the book (page numbers).

The HR manager’s dilemma
The HR manager reads in the newspaper that a member of staff has just acquired a criminal record. Coincidentally the next day a job applicant willingly admits to having a criminal record. Should the two people be treated differently?

The case
Yesterday, you read in the local newspaper that a member of your staff had been convicted of failing to pay income tax on private earnings. The employee, who had filed false income tax returns in each of the past five years, is a senior administrator. The total tax, which had been avoided, amounted to £5,000. The member was ordered to pay the amount, together with interest, and the costs of the proceedings. He was also fined £5,000. You have more or less daily contact with the member who also has frequent contact with prospective customers. You had not been aware of the matter. What should you do with this employee?

Earlier today, you interviewed an applicant for an administrative post. The applicant holds an University degree and is studying for the Diploma in Management. You judged the applicant to be mature, to be likely to get on well with people, and to be well qualified for the post. During the interview, the applicant spoke ly about his conviction as an eighteen-year-old some 10 years ago for an offence of robbery with violence and about the six years that he had spent in prison. During his time in prison, he had begun to study. Over the years he had gained GCSE, A-level, and graduate qualifications. Since his release, he had worked on different labouring jobs as his applications for better jobs’ had been unsuccessful so far. One of his very positive references is from an OU tutor who tutored him during his OU studies. The other is from an employer who reports on how conscientious and hard working he was as a labourer. Should you hire this prospective worker?