Managers at Blue Ridge Enterprise have been nearly unanimous in

Different methods of communication are effective and appropriate for different situations and audiences. For each of the following
July 17, 2020
How can a leader use andragogy to improve institutional performance
July 17, 2020

Managers at Blue Ridge Enterprise have been nearly unanimous in

Managers at Blue Ridge Enterprise have been nearly unanimous in claiming that poor communication is costing the organization is lost business and lost time. For example, since 2001, Blue Ridge has lost 9% of its profits because of ineffective sales presentations, and as much as four hours a week have been wasted because of weak communication skills with supervisors, peers, and subordinates.


Write a 2-3 page proposal to the chief executive officer of Blue Ridge Enterprise, Andrea R. Martinez, outlining this problem and the steps you suggest to help solve the problem. Be sure to cite not fewer than three references that you would use to support your case.
