Value Drivers in Venture Backed Company Post IPO: an Empirical Study on Italian Companies (2000-2010)
October 9, 2020
October 10, 2020


Cole, G.A. and Kelly, P (2011) Management Theory and Practice (7th Revised Edition). London: Cengage Learning EMEA Gopee, N., Galloway, J. (2009) Leadership and Management in Healthcare London, Sage Publications Marquis, B.L. and Huston, C.J. (2008) Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: theory and application. 5th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins Other indicative reading: Barr J and Dowding L (2008) Leadership in Health Care Sage, London Hayes, J. (2007) The theory and practice of Change Management. Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan Jasper, M. (2004) Management for nurses and health professionals. Oxford: Blackwell Science Lugon, M and Secker-Walker, J (2006) Clinical Governance in a Changing NHS London, Royal Society of Medicine Press Mullins L J (2008) Essentials of Organisational Behaviour (2nd Edition). Harlow: Pearson Education Palfery, C. Philips, C. and Thomas, P. (2004) Effective Health Care Management – an evaluative approach. Oxford. Blackwell Science Parkin, P (2009) Managing Change in Health care. Using Action Research Sage publications, London Royal College of Nursing (2009) Clinical Leadership Programme pack (revised). London, RCN Welsh Assembly Government (2009) Free to Lead, Free to Care: Empowering ward sisters/charge nurses Ministerial Task and Finish Group. Cardiff:WAG Assignment Brief The aim of the assignment is to appraise an issue for health care practice improvement from a leadership perspective, identifying theories and principles that need to be drawn upon to enable effective leadership practice and the ongoing strategies for management of risk and resources. Your health care practice issue will be drawn from your field of current clinical practice. Introduction (10%) This section should identify a real or hypothetical issue from your area of practice which may require healthcare improvement. You should briefly identify why action is needed (i.e. your rationale for choosing this ‘event’), for example, the introduction of new guidance or benchmark. The intention(s) of your proposed improvement should be clearly, but briefly, outlined at the end of this section. Main Body (75%) In this section you will appraise the issue, considering within this the relevant drivers or indicators for improvement. You may draw upon relevant research evidence, the policy context as well as standards, benchmarks and guidelines. You will discuss what is required in practice for improvement to occur, considering any risks and resources and identify the type(s) of leadership and innovation theory and practice that will be needed to implement this. Conclusion (15%) This section sums up your ‘arguments’ for implementing your improvement /innovation and indicates the anticipated outcomes. Selected anonymised evidence will form part of the appendices. An area short of staff. Team of 2 covering workload of 4 Unable to do all home visits therefore, Decision made to start a drop in clinic Clinic opened up on Tuesday afternoon near town centre (market day) in a health owned property, therefore no fees to be paid Posters needed to be designed to advertise, also needed to be bilingual Initially very poor attendance, improved after 4 months Category: Essay