Management in education Academic Essay

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Management in education Academic Essay

Critique on change management in education
-ASSESSMENT TITLE : Critique on change management in education

## TASK:

Discuss three examples of educational change in an educational
organisation. These examples may be from your own experiences or ones that you have researched (e.g. three academic articles based on change management projects in education). Analyse the similarities and difference between the change models used and the outcomes of the project. Reflect on literature on change management and identify some insights about change management and the selected examples.

– Suggested Structure
1. Introduction: Discuss the importance of change management to educational leadership
2. Case Study Examples: Succinctly summarise each chosen
example and then critique the change process against additional literature on change management. You may use images and/or tables.
3. Reflection: Using literature, reflect on the significance of the
chosen examples and your own journey in education leadership. This reflection may include a discussion about your own competencies, experiences, values and challenges.

## Assessment CRITERIA :

1. Clear and succinct discussion of three change management
2. Supporting literature is used seamlessly to develop
3. High level of critique is evident using supporting literature
4. Deep levels of reflection are evident
5. Writing is clear and fluent
6. Referencing style is accurate

## – IMPORTANT NOTES ( from subject coordinator) :

– If I choice a Three own examples from my
Some things to consider
• You should include at the beginning some contextual information that would be important to know in consideration of the examples
• Your examples should include succinct descriptions of the change process including information such as who, when, where, why, how, implications, results
• The example descriptions do not need a reference (as they are more a context not a research study

-But If I choice a Three examples from the literature
• I should include at the beginning why these examples were chosen (e.g. relationship, diversity etc.)
• Choose examples carefully that give you enough information to describe the change including the process and results
• Your descriptions of each should include references to the sources

((( My work is teacher in primary school at Saudi Arabia from view years ago….BUT YOU CAN choice a Three examples from the literature)))

– FINALLY, please attach and CONSIDER every file I attached

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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions