Management: community of practice

September 11, 2020
Luxury car makers are one of the most versatile and resilient businesses that struggled and survived through the current economic crisis.
September 11, 2020

Management: community of practice

Community of practice (CoPs) is a group of people who come together to fulfill both group and individual goals by sharing a common interest, set of problems or concern in the topic. To advance a domain professional practice, they often focus on creating new knowledge and sharing best practices.

Historically, human beings have formed different communities that share cultural practices that reflect their collective learning. The basic building blocks of social learning system are community of practice. This is because they are social containers of the competences that make up such a system. Being a popular student, gifted photographer or a reliable doctor is what constitutes competence in a given context.

To define competence, three elements are combined as per community of practice (Wenger, 1998). First element is the joint enterprise where for one to be competent he or she should be able to contribute to the enterprise and understand it well. Secondly, through mutual management, members build their community. They establish relationship and norms of mutuality that reflect these interactions and also by interacting with one another. In addition is the production of shared repertoire of community resources; styles, stories, tools, artifacts, sensibility, routines, language, etc. by community of practice. Thus accessing this repertoire is being competent. Growth of community of practice involves interplay of experience and competence that deals with mutual management.

Community should study the following elements when designing itself: artifacts, projects, membership, connectivity, leadership and events. Public events that bring together community can be organize to help establish an identity. The community will decide the type of activities needed, and this may range from guest speakers, problem-solving sessions, informal or formal meetings. Rhythm of these events should be considered, though it may change from time to time. To help the community develop leaders should be allowed to play their role since community of practice depends on internal leadership.

Apart from the community coordinator who plays a crucial role in the day to day workcan be done through bringing together people who want to offer help and those who need help. Making possible for person’s interact and communicate adds value.

We have different departments whom we strive together to achieve a common goal; to grow the organization and make a profit. We have the engineering department, social media department, sales department, human resource department and without each one of them doing its work efficiently the whole organization will run at a loss.

This is because we are organizedcontext for the work. There is mutual management as members of the community of practice not only interact with another for the sake of doing their work, but also to change how it is done, define how it is done and clarify that work.