May 21, 2020
Research Evaluation of Article-1
May 21, 2020

Management Business

1. Read Managing McDonald’s Australia’ (pp.34-36) and McDonald’s scientific management approach (p.47). (Ref: Robbins S,
Bergman R, Stagg I, Coulter M, 2015, Management 7, 7th edn, Pearson Australia, Sydney)
2. Visit a McDonalds store and attach a receipt of your visit.
3. Based on the readings and observations from your visit :
Describe McDonalds approach to:
1. Sustainability issues
2. Scientific Management approach
3. Staff management and care
Your response MUST include discussion from the following sources:
Required References that must be cited in text:
Brown, L. 2010, Ethical Supply Chains The New Black’, MHD Supply Chain Solutions, vol. 40. No. 3. May-June pp. 72-75.
https://mcdonalds.com.au/ The official website of Macca’s® Australia. Whether you want the details of what’s in your Big
Mac®, or to find your nearest restaurant, this is the place to be.
Wellard, L. Glasson, C. and Chapman, K. 2012 Sales of Healthy choices at fast food restaurants in Australia, Health
Promotion Journal of Australia, vol 23,no.1, pp. 37-41.
Additional References required:
In addition to the required sources shown above, you should use AT LEAST TWO other references that you have found.
These two additional sources must have been published after 2011.
Note that newspaper articles and Wikipedia are not considered scholarly sources due to issues about peer review of the
material presented. However, you can use newspaper articles and Wikipedia to obtain a general understanding on a topic
that you are researching. All sources used then appropriate citing and referencing of these sources should be completed as
part of your submission.
Report format: Executive Summary (no more than 200 words which are not part of the word count), Table of Contents, a brief
Introduction, a Body with sub headings divided into 1. Sustainability issues, 2. Scientific Management Approach and 3. Staff
anagement and Care. A brief Conclusion, Reference list (only items that have been cited in text ie No Bibliography) and an
Appendix with your receipt scanned in also need to be included.
For more information on formatting citations and reference entries go to Referencing & Citation’ on the UWS Library Website.


Check the additional support area of the Assignments section as we have given you a specific Report Writing Guide.
The report should be well-formatted.. The language used should be formal rather than informal and should be both clear and
grammatically sound. Your written text should not include any spelling errors. Avoid using first person except when it actually
reiterates personal experience at your site visit. For example saying My observations about the multicultural and diverse
make up of McDonalds staff at Penrith McDonalds was in accord with what Bloggs (2013);James (2014) and Wells and
Lindsay (2015), noted about diversity in fast food workplaces. DO NOT SAY I saw a number of people of different ethnicities
and ages working at Blacktown McDonalds when I visited (you need to back it up with theory).