The photographer, caterer and bar staff budget has blown out.
How could you rectify this?
Describe 3 solutions (1 for each issue) to keep within the budget?
Update the budget to reflect the changes that you have discussed in part b. (Use the template provided on the next page and upload with your assessment)
Prepare a plan/task list/Gantt chart of how you/your team will manage the event. (Include time frames for each of the components of your event based on the information learnt in this unit).
Source the name of a supplier for each of the staging event components and provide the name on your plan/task list/Gantt chart ( can be specific to the state or area in which you reside)
How would you evaluate staging components in terms of operational efficiency and service quality from a supplier or contractor?
What method would you use to negotiate and confirm changes?
Describe 2 types of regulations that apply to the following topics in your state?
Contractor licensing
Food safety
What 2 sustainability considerations should you examine when organising and staging this event in regards to:
Types of products used at your event
Credentials of contractors in regards to sustainability
Write a description of a brief that you would have with the contractors and suppliers regarding the event. What types of information would need to be included?
Who are the stakeholders at an event of this type?
How would you obtain feedback regarding this event?
What information/ process/research gave you a better insight into the event industry that may benefit and enhance future planning?
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Posted on May 24, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions