Madison’s View of Democracy through the Lens of “Civic Culture”

Operationalizing Constructs
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June 17, 2020

Madison’s View of Democracy through the Lens of “Civic Culture”

Critique of Madison’s View of Democracy through the Lens of “Civic Culture” (by Almond & Verba) and “Political Order in Changing Societies” (by Huntington)

1. Read Federalist 010. What does Madison conclude about the existence of factions? What does Madison believe should be done in order to mitigate their threat to democracy? 2. Using what you know about Almond and Verba’s research in Civic Culture, how would they respond to Madison’s conclusions about factions? Under what circumstances would factions likely undermine the stability and effectiveness of a democracy? Under what circumstances would factions help stabilize and strengthen a democratic political system? Think about the different types of partisanship, political culture, and the roles and expectations of the people in each country that Almond and Verba studied. 3. Using what you know about Huntington’s discussion in Political Order in Changing Societies about social forces in new countries that were undergoing economic modemization, what does rapid social change and political mobilization do to the formation and action of social forces? Why is America’s political development different from the political development of newly industrializing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, according to Huntington? 4. Read Federalist 451. Explain why Madison believes that the partition of power by the govemment against a “tyranny of the majority,” which would threaten individual liberties. 5. Using what you know about Almond and Verba’s research in Civic Culture about what factors are more likely to contribute to a stable and effective democracy, how would they respond to Madison’s advocacy of the separation of govemmental units, and govemment protection of civil liberties of the minority? Think about the different dimensions of a political orientation (described by Almond and Verba) and what a civic culture is composed of. 6.Using what you know about Huntington’s discussion in Political Order in Changing Societies about Political Institutionalization, how would he respond to Madison’s advocacy of the separation of govemment, system of checks and balances between govemmental units, and govemment protections of civil liberties of the minority? Why is political institutionalization important in mitigating the threat of political violence and instability.Necessary Materials: Federalist no.10 by Madison Federalist no. 51 by Madison The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations By Gabriel A Almond, Sidney Verba Newbury Park [u.a.] : Sage, 1996. Political Order In Changing Societies By Samuel P. Huntington Yale University Press 2006