Macro & Micro economics risks companies face when competing globally

The Sixth Paragraph: A Re-Vision of the Essay
August 28, 2020
W 8 Discussion Articles
August 28, 2020

Macro & Micro economics risks companies face when competing globally

Macro & Micro economics risks companies face when competing globally

Summarize the risks companies face when competing globally

Project description
Two of the risks companies face when competing globally are political risk and exchange rate risk. Political risk is the financial risk that two companies in different countries may be affected by the political climate between their two governments. Exchange rate risk is the risk that the domestic currency will appreciate or depreciate during and after the sale of a company’s products to a customer in another country. In this discussion, consider how these two risks affect the decisions a manager makes.

Please respond to all of the following prompts in the class discussion section of your online course:

You are the CEO of a firm that has manufacturing facilities in an emerging market. Suppose that country’s government decides to impose trade restrictions requiring that all companies be majority-owned by domestic firms. What actions would you take in response to the government’s restrictions?
If you were a CEO, would you prefer a flexible exchange rate or a fixed exchang? Why?