Fashion Luxury marketing focusing on digital and PR marketing in the fashion industry.
The project will clearly establish its research aims and objectives; reporting and reflecting upon techniques and methodologies employed. The work will analyse data to draw appropriate conclusions and make suitable recommendations.
Your topic has to be to the following format
1. Introduction, Context, Rationale, research aims and objectives
2. Literature Review
3. Research methods and methodology
4. Presentation and evaluation of research results and discussion of findings
5. Conclusions and recommendations for industry and academia
6. Limitations of research and opportunities for further study
7. Evaluative and reflective personal summary
References: (not included in word count)
Bibliography: (not included in word count)
Appendix: containing any Primary source material that is referred to in the main text (not included in word count)
Word count: The word count includes all text within the main body of the report. (Sections 1 to 7)
It does not include the title page, the table of contents, any tables or charts, the reference list, or the appendices.
Tables should be used with care i.e. do not include large sections of text within them, tables like a SWOT or PESTLE should be limited to key points which may be expanded upon in the main body of the text.
If this rule is not followed you may lose marks for poor communication.
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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions