Lundberg, C.B. et al. 2008 (June). Selecting a Standardized Terminology for the Electronic Health Record that Reveals the Impact of Nursing on Patient

origin of culture,
July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020

Lundberg, C.B. et al. 2008 (June). Selecting a Standardized Terminology for the Electronic Health Record that Reveals the Impact of Nursing on Patient

ritical review of the following article:

Lundberg, C.B. et al. 2008 (June). Selecting a Standardized Terminology for the Electronic Health Record that Reveals the Impact of Nursing on Patient Care. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 12:2. Available at:

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Summary (limit 100 words)
Critique (limit 400 words)
Conclusion(limit 100 words)
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