Response to Classmates Post (Angela)
September 19, 2020
Marketing Project-Kuwait
September 19, 2020


Who is the actual user of the systems design?
What is the actual purpose of the systems design?
What is its built in measure of success?
Who is actually the decision maker?
What conditions of successful planning and implementation of the system are really controlled by the decision maker?
What conditions are not controlled by the decision-maker (for e.g. environmental).
Who is actually involved as planner?
Who is involved as expert, and of what kind is the expertise?
Where do the involved seek the guarantee that there planning will be successful?
Who amongst the involved witnesses represents the concerns of the affected? Who is or may be affected without being involved?
Are the affected given an opportunity to emancipate themselves from the experts and to take their fate into their own hands?
What world view is actually underlying the design of the system? Is it the world view of some of the involved or some of the affected?

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Posted on May 4, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions