Do Computers Have Negative Effects on Family and/or Social Relationships?
March 11, 2020
Download this quiz. Answer the questions and e-mail it back to [email protected] by Saturday midnight of the FIFTEENTH WEEK OF CLASSES. (DEC 13.)
March 11, 2020

Loving God with Your Mind

Loving God with Your Mind

Project instructions:
Please use a conservative Christian View when writing these papers. Thank you.
Using word processing software (i.e. Word or Wordpad) respond to the following questions:

What is it like being a teenager today?
What is the intellectual state of the church today? How did we get here?
How is the gospel often presented in our culture today?
How have world missions been affected by the dumbing down of Christianity?
What are some characteristics of the empty self? How do we overcome the empty self?
What is the Biblical view of the mind? How does one develop a Christian mind?
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length.
Submit your paper to the Honor Assignment: Loving God with Your Mind dropbox.