Love, ambition, greed, religious faith-these are ome ofthe human emotions that motivate charactrs and help explain thei personalities and behavior.

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Love, ambition, greed, religious faith-these are ome ofthe human emotions that motivate charactrs and help explain thei personalities and behavior.

1) Short answer:

Love, ambition, greed, religious faith-these are ome ofthe human emotions that motivate charactrs and help explain thei personalities and behavior. Choose a chrater who came alive in your readings so far this year. Write an essy in whch you examin that character’s pesonality andmotivation and sho what the characters behavior and attitudes revea aot he human nature.

Begi with n introductory paragraph that captures yor reader attention and includes a thesis statement that states your veiw of he charactr. Then, in the body of your essa, sho how deatail in the work convey the character’s personality and motives. End with a concluding paragraph that sums up your main ideas about the character.

—-the story is Macbeth by: Shakespeare