Look Alike/ Sound Alike meds

Solution-What is the function of the signal sequence located
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020

Look Alike/ Sound Alike meds

Look Alike/ Sound Alike meds


1.    Select a patient safety topic.  Describe how the patient safety topic is being addressed (guidelines, protocols, etc.) OR select a specific system already in place that improves patient safety.  Describe how it has been implemented and whether it has been successful.

€¢    My topic is prevention of medication error: sound-alike look-alike medications

2.    Design a patient safety initiative to address the topic or specific system.


€¢    Title slide: Include your name and the title of your patient safety initiative project.

€¢    Introduction: Brief overview of the patient safety topic or system.

€¢    Main Body: Analyze the issue or system and how it is being addressed in an organization in terms of patient safety and how you would address this issue as a patient safety initiative.

€¢    Conclusion: Synthesize the information presented and tie your thoughts and impressions together.

€¢    References: Include a reference slide


€¢    Presentation should be no more than 12 slides

€¢    Follow instructions how to add Voice-over to PPT

€¢    Arial font

€¢    Describe the key elements of the patient safety practice with enough detail to convey key points

€¢    What is unique and different about this initiative

€¢    Format for references follow APA 6th Ed.