Local Government Systems/ Where Do We Go From Here

: In simple terms explain what researchers must go through to select the right sample size for a study
July 11, 2020
Continuation of last observation paper
July 11, 2020

Local Government Systems/ Where Do We Go From Here

As discussed.  For American Federeralism.

    Local Government Systems


    We have studied multiple types of local government systems, from the simplest type of local government (the city/county model found in Hawaii), to extremely decentralized types of local government (often found in New England). After reviewing the different types of local government found in Chapter 9, which system of local government do you think is the most effective in terms of communicating the will of constituents, delivering public services, and in reducing red tape/bureaucracy? Which do you think is the worst? Or, do you think that there are no fundamental differences between these systems of local government in terms of the delivery of core government services? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.


    Where Do We Go From Here?


    As we have studied over the previous four weeks, American government is highly unusual among Western industrialized nations because of the diffusion of power between multiple levels of government. Given the global economy, the rise of emerging economic superpowers such as China and India, and the challenges to remaining competitive in a global world, do you think that American federalism remains relevant? Do you agree with critics who argue that multiple layers of government slow down the machinery of government, making it virtually impossible to execute quick responses to society’s needs? Or do you believe that no fundamental changes are necessary to American federalism, and that despite changes in the modern world, the foundational features of American federalism remain as relevant today as they were at the nation’s founding? What changes, if any, would you integrate into the system of intergovernmental relations to effectuate better government and more efficient government? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.