Literature review, Computer sciences and Information technology

Earth’s Climate: Back to the Future
May 15, 2020
Internet of Things-Smart Home
May 15, 2020

Literature review, Computer sciences and Information technology

Literature review, Computer sciences and Information technology

Internet of Things-Smart Home

Project description

Literature review €“ you should not just report past works or technologies, you need to critically review them, describe very clearly how from what you learnt led you to your own project design

Discussions €“ you need to be critical in your discussion

Conclusions (summary of findings) + recommendations / future works
References €“ IEEE STYLE!!!

The whole work, the critical review should be on the smart homenot the Internet of things as this I already have.
The techniques used, the connection and communication techniques and review the boards used against the boards, which I will be using which are:

1)    A Teensy board and an Ada fruit CC3000 board, advantage is that teensy has got a powerful 32 bit ARM processor. Disadvantage an external Wifi therefore the circuit will be a bit scattered and not very ideal for Smart home applications at it requires very small devices.

Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Breakout with Onboard Ceramic Antenna×4352/dp/2430007?Ntt=teensy

2) An Arduinobaord with yun processor, this has a bulit in Wifi and Ethernet controller but the processor is a simple 8-bit. This is a useful low power and integrated device but problem is the processing power of the Atmega 32.|pcrid|39078497888|kword|%2Barduino%20%2Ba000008|match||plid|&CMP=KNC-GUK-FUK-GEN-KWL&gclid=CjkKEQjww6SdBRDls9vxsf7EoM0BEiQART_xPkb-j2NQnARGRwD1N5-bOTT6y-07-zwtwIE8BSIq-rrw_wcB