Genealogy treatise
March 21, 2020
FIN 571 Entire Course
March 22, 2020

Literature Review

Paper title: Literature Review

Academic level: University

Pages: 3

Source amount: 4

Subject: Management

Formatting style:  APA

Type: Essay

Details: This is a group project. we meant to do Literature Review, we made up our case study and we named it ( Fast Freight Limited Case Study – Group 3 ) the case study is attached to this order. However my section in this project is miscommunication part only and it has been highlighted in the case study. the writer should only write about Miscommunication section. using 4 journal article with APA 6th edition reference. only short introduction and the body part is the most important part. feel free to ask any question. please do your best in this essay. Some useful information are attached could help you. thanks alot Literature Review Use conceptual (theoretical) and empirical sources (where actual research is reported). You should have some general explanations and definitions (e.g. what are the main motivation issues/theories). Be sure to relate what you write to sound theories or frameworks. Where possible refer to literature that covers your chosen type of organisation, such as a hospital or bank The library website is the starting point for finding articles. In addition to various databases you could start with Web of knowledge, Google scholar or Summon in the database menu of the library website. These sources must be indicated in your reference list. You must use APA formatting and referencing (6th edition). 3. Analysis using theory and recommendations to improve the organisation. Analyse your issues using your chosen motivation theories as a framework. This section should outline a number of ways in which the organisation can address any issues / problems detailed in the case study. Recommendations should link directly to both your case study and to the analyses / application of theory. The recommendations should also draw from your literature review and these should be referenced. Be sure you have clear internal consistency between the three sections of this report.