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Coursework 2: Write a Research Project Proposal (100% weighting). This addresses learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4. This is due on 2nd May 2014.


You must achieve a PASS in Cw1 and reach a mark of at least 40% in Cw2 to pass this module overall.


Assessment criteria for your CW2 Research Proposal:

1. You must submit your proposal to Turnitin before the deadline.

2. Your proposal must include all the elements outlined with approximate word counts in the table below.

3. Marks are allocated on the basis of structure, viability, clarity and adherence to the principles stated in the table below.


General Assessment Guidelines:

Write a Research Project Proposal for your forthcoming Dissertation or Professional Portfolio using the sub-headings outlined in the table above. Your proposal must be submitted to the appropriate Turnitin link on Moodle by 4pm on 2nd May, 2014. Do not submit a hard copy to reception and do not email a copy to your tutor.


Below are the sections you need to include in your proposal. Word counts are given in some cases as a guideline only. The proposal overall shouldn’t exceed 2,000 words in total:




  1. 1.      Working title


Create a title which describes the topic of your proposal. It might be in the form of a statement or a question but it must align with your methodology (if you’re doing a dissertation) or creative work (if you’re doing a portfolio).

a) Dissertation example: ‘ Are friends electric? Sense and nonsense in the lyrics of Gary Numan‘.

b) Portfolio example: ‘ Travelling on a Student Budget for a series of articles for The Guardian Newspaper Weekend Travel Supplement‘.

  1. 2.      Aim of the project [300 words max.]
You should briefly introduce your proposed project or portfolio describing the overall aim of it and what questions you seek to explore. By stating your aims, this helps you to commit to your project and see any strengths and weaknesses at the outset. 15
  1. 3.      Draft literature review

[1000 words max.]

For both your dissertation and portfolio, the literature review shows how your project fits into the existing academic field. You will need to show that you have read around your subject and know some of the main texts that have influenced other research in this area. Briefly describe these and other texts you have found that will give background to your project and something to compare with/against when you come to do your critical analysis.

You should briefly describe and discuss what has been published hitherto. Please see examples of literature reviews in the dissertations from past students. These are located on the shelves on the 6th floor of the GE building. You can also find plenty of advice and examples in the study skills books in the library and in your reading list (e.g. Wisker and Walliman).

It is generally a good idea to indicate a mixture of books, journal articles and internet sources. Remember that internet sources should be thoroughly evaluated for their suitability/reliability (and must be properly referenced).

  1. 4.      Methodology/Creative work

[400 words max.]

In this section you should describe how you are proposing to do your research or portfolio; in other words, how are you going to set about answering your own research question(s) or creating your own portfolio?

For your dissertation, what is your theoretical framework? What are your research questions? What research methods are relevant and will help you to answer your question? Can you justify the validity of your methodology? What are the advantages of using a particular research method? Are there any disadvantages?

For your professional portfolio how will you gather your information or carry out your case work? How can your reflections add academic weight to your final project that shows you can critically analyse your own work? Will your critical analysis require you to gather data outside Academia, such as annual reports or archived creative work? How will you place these in context?



An alphabetical list of all the works referred to in any part of the above proposal. The list of references must conform to the CU Harvard Style. 10
Bibliography (Optional) A list of sources that have not been referred to in the References section but which you think are useful for your project none
Appendices (Optional) Tables, graphs, figures, additional information that you think is relevant to the project but which will not fit into the main body (keep the appendices short). none


Extenuating Circumstances and Deferrals:

In the case of unforeseen circumstances arising before the deadline for submission of coursework, you may apply for an extension (a ‘short deferral’), which will normally be for up to 3 calendar weeks, and will depend on your supporting evidence. Deferrals can only be given for genuine extenuating circumstances (e.g. medical reasons), not for bad planning of your time, holidays, theft or loss of work, or failure to keep back-up files.


If you need any guidance/assistance about this, please ask at the Student Support Office (GE103) or email them at [email protected]


 Return of work: Feedback will be put into Moodle by Friday 23th May.









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