You may write about either (or both) of the Marlowe plays, or either (or both) of the Jonson plays. Youd have to do fast work to write about . You might focus on a minor character or characters. For example, in Marlowes , the character of Isabella, his wife, is of interest for a number of reasons. Because Edward has abandoned her for Gaveston, she feels like a scorned woman, and yet she also gives up herself and her power to Mortimer, despite her sons pleas. Mortimer Jr. also offers a great subject for analysis, since hes clearly a scheming manipulator (see 5.4.48-71 for his own description of how he disguised his ambition) and yet faces the same fate (if not the same style of execution) as Edward (see 5.6.59-66).On the other hand, I dont want to rule out major characters and themes. Just remember that even these longer papers do not offer you infinite space; dont choose a subject more appropriate for a book. If youre interesting in a broad theme (such as Jonsons interest in disguise and deception in his comedies), you need to narrow it so that you can develop your topic fully. For example, in , which is a play about how to scam people out of their money or virtue, you might focus on how economic concerns infiltrate language about every subject, even when the speaker is disguising (or attempting to disguise) those concerns. Or you might focus on one characters use of disguise or one characters self-deception.If you enjoy Jonsons , you might analyze his use of the language of misogyny; is he satirizing the nature of women or of misogynists or of both? Or you might want to write about what Jonsons play suggests to us about marriage in this period. The ideal marriage described in most conduct books depicts a husband in control of everything, including his chaste, silent, and obedient wife. What do you think the play suggests about the real state of marriage in Elizabethan/Jacobean society? Or should we expect a comedy to present us with an exaggerated picture of reality?