Literary Analysis Essay on Drama (A Doll?s House)

SOS 325
July 28, 2020
Malaria risk factors- Result Chapter
July 28, 2020

Literary Analysis Essay on Drama (A Doll?s House)

Literary Analysis Essay on Drama (A Doll?s House)

Project instructions:
You had wrote this client’s essay before (the order S-1433-7669-3803), and he(teacher) really like it. Thank you so much! :)

This essay is for the same course as the order S-1433-7669-3803. Please read the requirements carefully.

This essay is a literary analysis/argumentative essay where you use your careful reading and analysis of the play A Doll?s House(attached) to clearly state your

interpretation of a specific aspect of the text. This kind of writing is often referred to as ?argumentative? writing because you are putting forward or ?arguing? your

interpretation of what the text means.

When writing your essay, try to go deeply into the play and come up with a thesis that has some complexity. If your essay sounds like a summary, you do not have enough

depth or complexity! You need to use evidence in the form of specific examples from the play to support your interpretation. Think of explaining to your reader WHY

your interpretation makes sense. To focus your essay, write about plot, characterization, language, setting, or symbolism in one of the plays in relation to a theme.

What is the significance of that one literary aspect and the theme? Why did the author write it this way? What was he/she trying to get across? This combines analysis

(breaking something down, like the plot or setting) and synthesis (making larger connections about what it means).

You must also have two outside sources(academic sources) of literary criticism from the reference books or online databases from the LCC library (or another college or

university library). To be successful, your argument must make direct reference to the text and to your criticisms by direct quotation and/or paraphrasing with correct

MLA in-text citations. You must also have a works cited page with two literary criticisms and the primary text listed. You may fail the essay if you do not have in-

text citations, a works cited page, and academic sources found through the library databases. Online sources are not literary criticisms and do not count toward the

two outside sources. You may use them but they are considered additional, or extra, sources.

Use 12 point Times New Roman font and one inch margins on all pages. Give your essay an appropriate and interesting title.

Possible Essay Topics
(A Doll?s House)

?Analyze Nora?s and Torvald?s sense of law and order and/or morality. What does this tell you about the character? What is its significance? Or, to what extent does it

shape the action and choices of the play?

?A central theme in the play concerns the belief that mothers and fathers can pass along both physical and moral illness to their children. Analyze this idea in the

play. How does it affect the behavior of the characters?

?Analyze the symbolism in the play. In what ways does Ibsen give external symbols to internal qualities in his characters? Why is it there? What is Ibsen trying to


?Look at money and the power that comes with it. How does it affect/shape the characters? What might Ibsen be trying to say?

?Also, since men control the money, what do women use to get some control, specifically Nora. Do you think that Nora is aware of what she is doing?

?Look at the transformation of Nora throughout the play. Is it believable?

?Why does Torvald constantly reprimand Nora for her wastefulness and foolishness while simultaneously supporting her behavior? What insight does this contradiction

give into Torvald and Nora?s relationship? How do they both play a part?

?Look at the significance of the different roles that Mrs. Linde and Nora take. How do they influence each other? How have they changed at the end? They seem to be

opposites. What do you think Ibsen is trying to say?

?Look at the unreliability of appearances in the play. The first initial appearances all appear to change in the end. Why?

?Trace Mrs. Linde?s influence on Nora?s awakening and transformation.

?Compare and contrast Nora and Krogstad. How are they similar? How are they different? What about their change at the end of the play?

?How do the characters in A Doll?s House use the words ?free? and ?freedom?? Do different speakers use the terms differently? Do they take on different connotations

over the course of the play?

?When Nora says in Act One, ?I can’t think of anything to wear. It all seems so stupid and meaningless,? Ibsen illustrates the symbolism of clothing in the play.

Describe how Ibsen?s use of clothing works in the play. Explore the metaphor of clothing as something which covers up, something which disguises, or as something which

confers identity. Ibsen also uses clothing to make points about agency and gender. Consider who dresses whom and who wears certain clothes for the sake of personal

expression or in order to please someone else.

?Show how the first act forewarns the audience of almost all the forthcoming events in the rest of the drama. Why is this significant?

?Is A Doll?s House a comedy, a tragedy, or both? Explain.

?How does the patriarchal society in the setting affect the characters?

?Who or what is the antagonist of the play? Analyze its significance in relationship to the setting, symbolism, theme, etc.