Literacy narratives Academic Essay

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Literacy narratives Academic Essay

Literacy narratives recount particular moments that, for one reason or another, are especially meaningful–a time when something about the nature and function of writing came to light in a unique or dramatic way for the writer. To tell a gripping story, we need to steal from storytelling to provide this drama.

Some tools of storytelling include: description (using the five senses), narration (scene and action, showing characters moving around the world of the story), dialogue (exchanges between characters), and internal monologue (a way to show us what the narrator is thinking).

Think about ne of the examples provided in the Assignment 1 Samples folder. Post to the discussion board by answering these questions:

Which of these tools of storytelling would have enhanced “Fantasy Football for Dummies by a Dummy”?
Why would that tool have made sense?
Where in the story would you have included a new section of writing using one of these tools?

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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions