List the five subfields of anthropology

Web Site Evaluation
July 3, 2020
Identify the primary role and duties/responsibilities associated with his or her position, as well as any required skills, experience, and abilities n
July 3, 2020

List the five subfields of anthropology

Consider Anthropology and You:

Anthropology is a diverse field of study. It is found in nearly all fields of inquiry and business. Do some research to find out how it may affect you. Talk to peopledo some readingsurf the webcomplete some research and find responses to the numbered items below. Upload your results.

1. List the five subfields of anthropology:

2. How many other types of anthropology do there seem to be? (list a few that interest you)

3. How does anthropology get used in different settings like business, education, economics, and medicine?

4. State your major (or area of interest) and explain how anthropology might be employed.

5. Describe the value of an anthropology degree or a minor in anthropology to your area of interest.