List at least five potential intercultural communication problems that could occur in each country

media center assignment
March 31, 2020
Rogerian Thought
March 31, 2020

List at least five potential intercultural communication problems that could occur in each country

Paper title:  Intercultural Communication
Academic level:  College
Pages: 2
Source amount: 3
Subject: Speech 202
Formatting style: Other
Type:  Essay
Details: Culture Shock: Sulandia & Norotania Read the following descriptions of two hypothetical countries: Sulandia and Norotania. Assume you have been offered a position as communication expert with a company that does business with both countries. It will be your job to act as a troubleshooter, solving disputes between locals and the American managers of your company, helping with contract negotiations, and aiding the families of the managers in adapting to the country. List at least five potential intercultural communication problems that could occur in each country (five for Sulandia and five for Norotania). How might you solve each of these problems? Personally, which country would you choose to work in? Explore the reasons for choosing one over the other. Sulandia: This country has been doing business with people from other countries for many years. It currently has one of the highest standard of living in the world due largely to a recent discovery of offshore oil reserves. It is ruled by a monarchy. Members of the royal family have special privileges, and there is a complex protocol that must be followed in communicating with them. Although any violation means banishment from the country and can adversely affect the company’s ability to do business, the rules are clear. Bribes to members of the royal house are an expected part of doing business in Sulandia. The work force is plentiful and, for the most part, cooperative, motivated largely by the punishments they will receive if they fail to work hard. (Sulandians use severe corporal punishment to maintain order and to punish slackers.) Without these threats, workers lack personal ambition. Sulandians are extremely religious and can be easily offended if their religious practices are mocked or violated. They refrain from eating certain foods or touching certain animals they consider unclean. Their religion mandates that women work within the home and obey their husbands.