18. Organ rejection is a common problem with organ transplants. In light of what you have learned about the functioning of the immune system, explain, in sentence form, the potential reasons for organ rejection. Be sure to include the terms phagocyte,†T-Cell,†and B-cell†in your answer.
19. Severed combined immunodeficiency (SCID) or bubble-boy syndrome†is an inherited disorder that affects approximately one out of every 100,000 newborns. Left untreated, infants with SCID usually die within a year of their birth from infections that are not lethal to the rest of the population. The disease affects both the B-cells and T-cells of their immune system. Describe why we are not able to live without functional B- and T-cells. Be sure to include an explanation of the function of these cells in your answer.
20. HIV changes the shape of its glycoproteins very quickly. Explain why this would make it difficult for scientists to develop an effective vaccine against this virus.
21. In sentence form, explain the following statement: We are in a constant arms race against pathogenic micro-organisms.†In your explanation, include a description of both antibiotics and antivirals. Use two examples to support your explanation.
23. Using a Venn diagram, compare and contract antibiotics and antiseptics. Provide two points for each heading.
24. In May 2000, an outbreak of a waterborne intestinal disease caused by the E. coli bacterium hit a small community in Bruce County, Ontario. Use an Internet search engine to find a reliable article or website describing this preventable tragedy.
a) In point form, assess the reliability of the article using each of the following five criteria.
b) Briefly describe the cause of the outbreak and why it was considered preventable.
25. The last large-scale outbreak of polio in Canada occurred in 1959. Briefly explain why we still vaccinate against the poliovirus.
26. In point form, compare and contrast cholera and polio. Provide two similarities and two differences between them.